Yeeeah, and even though there wouldn't have been any art depicting it, it was R18 in nature and got quite grim, haha. I still don't know if I should ever include it because while I'm sure most fans of yandere characters are likely okay with horror elements, R18 sexual stuff can be a whole different kettle of fish!
You're absolutely right about at least having some control over how we deal with stuff :3 I was going through a bad patch late last year I think around maybe September/October time, and a friend told me something along the lines of, the darkness can never fully engulf you as long as you hold on to a little bit of light. I had sorta been fuelling my depression by listening to some very angry music. Thinking that because I was feeling so low, happier or more motivating tracks would just piss me off. When my friend told me that, I stopped listening to the song I had on immediately, and switched it to something more upbeat. Those words + changing the song already improved how I was feeling enough for me to realise I'd just been sorta wallowing/drowning in depression. Sometimes it just takes one little push to help pick yourself up and climb outta that hole!
Hey, you could always pick writing back up if the mood strikes you :3 It's never too late to pick up a pen or start typing away if you have some ideas flying around.
I struggle with making scenes sound exciting I think >.< I can see them so vividly in my head, but I don't do a very good job of bringing them to life on paper, or on-screen I guess to be more accurate. Yeah, I definitely find it harder to deal with dialogue the more characters there are too, haha. I prefer one on one interactions in both reality and games though just because they're more personal. And being on the spectrum, I've always found interacting with more than one person at a time extremely difficult anyhow.
But yeah, you should definitely keep writing if you still have a passion for it :D I mean, look, you technically already started there with that poem! Which is incredibly sweet and I really appreciate it by the way :3 I used to love writing poetry when I was younger! Mostly dark stuff, surprise, surprise x3 but I did enter the odd local competition and wrote one that was just feelings from the heart for my grandma at her funeral since she always loved to read my poems.
It put a big ol' smile on my face reading your poem anyhow, so thank you for writing that. I shall try to keep it in mind when I'm having a crappy day :3
Well, hopefully, I'll be getting BxG A9 out before the end of summer. Then something probably gender-neutral for Spooktober VN jam if I can manage it. Plus I'll be working on DD at the same time!
Hehe, oh dear! If she's hunting you... you're probably screwed x3 Sorry!
And sure, you're welcome to drop me a message to:
If it takes me a while to reply to stuff, it's just cos my introvert brain gets overloaded easily and kinda shuts down on its own after a certain interaction threshold for the day xD