Great work on the game! It's a simple, decent, nice little game, it plays well, though the abilities feel a bit useless and tacked on, the variety of guns are certainly nice, though I almost argue that the sniper is not great at all comapred to the others due to it's lower rate of fire, even if it's damage is better. Perhaps if they could pierce enemies it would be better as a one shot weapon.
The sound of guns breaking is way, way louder than everything else, taking damage is also higher than it needs to be. Pressing F to activate the weapon chests is also really unresponsive, causing a few game overs.
However, the gameplay is very nice, smooth without problems like a flash shooter and the art is very nice too, the feedback for enemies taking damage is great with their resizing and small cube particle effects and most of the guns work well. It's definitely the kind of game I could find myself playing for a long time with random levels, replenishable health and more weapons. Great work!