Hello I'm having an issue getting books I created in the book.json to appear
Now they are there and they work, I call it with Plugin>Read and it shows up, everything looks good. But when I access the menu and select my section I changed imputiom what ever it was, to PlayerHelpBooks and the books I read show up there.
But.... When I open the Category, and soon as I select the name of the book. It loads the text for a 1/2 second, then disappears with just a background?
And It locks me into that menu. So what am I missing?
I called the book with this Plugin Command.
Inside Event:
"Plugin Command: LibraryData learn book GatheringTools"
"Text Popup: You found an old book about organizing tools more efficiently."
And then Made a Varaible to store each book name. Just to reference it when they collect it "You found \V[113], in this old chest"
And it pops up in the menu, but soon as I select it it disappears.
Using the latest Steam>RPGM MZ