Thanks for the feedback!
I'm glad the tutorial was able to explain and teach well, I think it's always nice to have a gradual, practical example that's easy to follow and quick to breeze through. And you're not wrong, definitely, with the movement it should have been more important but the combat mechanics with a single use only sword clashed with it a little. Maybe more open enviroments and static enemies like ghost runner might have been good, I ended up wanting to emphasise combat mechanics when the other would have better fluidity, momentum and satisfaction.
WIth only 2 enemy types (at the time) and a sword that only works once or twice, I was having a bit of a hard time trying to make interesting combat scenarios, I ended up creating a Boss type just to be able to have a final obstacle to round it off. Probably could've gone the path of parkour instead. That's fair about the Theme, didn't think about that, I guess it DOES seem like a two use instead.
I was hoping to have melee combat AND magic spells / abilities that enemies drop that are one time use and enemy attacks would force parkour and using spells would require a bit of parkour positioning too, but alas, overscoping and my first 1st person melee focus game (Though I've done 3rd person combat and 1st person shooters with slight melee before), I wanted to swordfight too badly like Chivalry or Mount and Blade, haha.