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Nice splash screen, and I tend to like voice acting in RPGs. Clicking off the screen during voice acted cutscene can cause the game to freeze and go to a blank screen. The character moves too fast. This is like the first game ever that I've decided to turn OFF auto-dash.

The maps are a little dark, it wouldn't hurt to brighten them up a bit, you can still portray 'night time' by adding a blue tint. Movies and games do it all the time and it can work quite well, much better than just making the game overly dark. That's more of thing reserved for horror games. 

It's not clear where you're supposed to go at the beginning, a little help from the game would be nice. Like for example a light in an area that the player should be heading to next. since the map is so dark. 

I like the shorthand menu, which leads into the traditional Scene_Menu screen.

I like the accidental teleportation thing, I used it in my MV title "The Legend of Driftwood" as well. Not sure if it's a trope or used in other games (I'm sure it's been used before) but I liked your execution of it.

Some of the dialog is boring to get through, but there are moments where the story is good.  Just a note with the whole "one was born from the light of the sun and one from the glow of the moon thing", the moon glows because the sun's light is reflecting off of it, as I'm sure you are aware, but it just kind of sounds ridiculous the way it's delivered. 

There's a lot of talking and dialog before you get to any action and that's an issue I have with this game. You need to show, not tell. Get straight to the action at the beginning of your game. Then you can deliver the dialog after you invest the impatient player.

The game does give plenty of money and potions are not expensive, so there's not a huge issue with a few wasted items, but I want to suggest a system that you could implement in the future. Look at how Secret of Mana and Secret of Evermore lets you use items in combat with a radial menu, that would fit nice in here.

There are too many animations on the screen at any one time during combat, and it's hard for they eye to track what it's supposed to be watching. The enemy gets completely drowned out and you can't even tell if it's dead yet so you just spam attack like crazy until everything stops.  The fire animation shouldn't play every time you hit something with your sword, that's overkill.  Also the enemy AI seems too basic and all the enemies are just thorny punching bags mostly. Try to make them feel different if you can.

The maps are pretty, but a little too dark at times.

I like the boss battles with this system, it kind of has a Crystalis vibe to it. (An NES classic Adventure Action RPG). One of my favorite games when I was a kid, so nice job bringing a hint of nostalgia.  Unfortunately one of the boss battles locked me in the game forever... I am forever trapped by Eridanus... no seriously... I'm forever trapped, there's a game breaking bug here. 

Nice job with the music and sound design, I really like your choices. This game has potential and I'm glad you submitted a project to the game jam. Well done! :) 

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you very much for playing it and I really am glad we could bring you some nostalgia. And yes the maps were definitely too dark and definitely needs to be brighter. Thank you for those suggestions with the blue tone. That’s a great idea. And yes, I think the speed was too fast. That’s definitely my doing. I adjusted the speed for testing purposes and forgot to change it back. I agree the enemy AI needs improvement for sure. And I’m sorry you ran into the bug near the second boss. That doesn’t happen often and I’ve already figured out a way to fix it. And yes, a better way to display where you need to go would be helpful. Planning on adding in a minimap to fix this for future updates and possibly disable the fast travel map in the menu. And the story needs some work for sure. There are definite plot holes that need to be addressed which was mostly caused due to lack of time to enhance the story as much as we wanted. I agree on there being too much dialogue in certain cut scenes. Agree on the animations. Glad you brought that up. The radial menu sounds like a fantastic idea to help enhance the battle system. As there are times players would like to use more than one tool. Once again, thanks for playing it and thank you for the excellent feedback. Given me some stuff to think about for sure.