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Cute game and intriguing - makes you wonder who the villains are. I thought some of the things the NPCs said were really funny (Harold!). The mini-games were interesting too - I thought the invisible path was neat, I liked how the puzzle with the flames became more difficult (though I tried playing with the mouse first and then realized clicking didn't work), and the lion puzzle was cool. But it was difficult to see the piece one was adjusting because the player was standing right on top of it - I think it'd be easier if the player adjusted the piece in front of them.

I enjoyed talking to the NPCs, but felt like it would have been more fun if you could examine items as well (or pick them up) especially since there were all these different dorms to go to (oh, and I think "Cafeteria" was misspelled).  I thought the battler sprite was really cute, by the way!

A couple bugs: I was able to walk on the ceiling near one of the stairs (i think it was the stairs up to the 2nd floor in the school) and on the north-facing cabinet in one of the rooms (sorry, don't remember which one).

Thanks for playing, SeaPhoenix! I'm glad you liked it.

I always play with the keyboard, so I didn't think about players who use the mouse. I'll see if there's a possibility to make the fire puzzle work with mouse input as well. For the lion puzzle, I'll be changing it so you're controlling a cursor while Lucretia watches from the sideways. Hopefully that will make it easier to see.

I didn't have time to add in interactable items, but it's definitely planned for the updated version. You're right, I used the Dutch spelling for Cafeteria. Fixed that, thanks. I'll try and find those other bugs as well.

Thanks again :)