Good game! Single use moment mechanics, after the bit of polish with controls at the start, it's nice and easy to use and control. Managing to do the original assets is great work, visually it's simple but nice, there's alot of variety to the puzzles there, but there's a few problems.
Namely in the levels, the moving platform's timing feels absurdly difficult for level 10 + 11, I've using the tree below for timing and getting myself stuck on the white rock on the left inorder to pass level 10, but for Level 11, I have absolutely no idea, unless there's supposed to be a trick to it that I don't know about. Level 15, waiting for that vine to drop fully was time consuming and tedious, I really wouldn't recommend making difficult levels require a period of waiting as people want to hurry and try again.
Each Level after the first, restarting the level has that Wyah sound effect which was a cool, exotic SFX but it gets really, really annoying quickly as it accompanies every restart as a mark of faliure and every Level's start. It's like putting your favourite song as your wake up alarm, eventually when you hear that song, all you'll think about is how horrible it is to have to wake up at that time.
The graphics are simple, though things like the rocks and trees are very well done. There's variety of levels in there, though alot of it is hold right at a right timing and never let go because then you can't move to the goal. I would have liked to get more use of Left. The SFX is very nice, footsteps, vines and jumps all sounded good.
Good job on the game!