This game is kind of like an anime, but you're in an escape room.
The hit boxes to select items are pretty bad. You have to line up the character and the object just right and at the correct angle to get them to interact. I inspected the room found nothing, went to another room found nothing came back to notice that if I walk to the left of the shiny object it actually is a thing I need to interact with, but if you try to interact from the top or bottom it doesn't work. That's gunna be an issue for some people.
It's got four directional movement, but only up and down sprites. It's not the easiest thing to make a large and tall sprite, and even though this one is missing the up and down, it looks pretty decent.
The transfer event transitions look really weird. The player gets magically teleported to the center of the room and it looks odd. A simple fade out, xfer, start next event, fade in would have made the transitions look much better.
The music cuts out and loops at a weird place in the song. Like it just abruptly stops and then goes silent for a second, then fades in again. Check your bgm (or maybe it's bgs) loops.
The sound effects could have been picked better, but they're okay I guess.
I have an issue with the monster creature showing up as soon as I activate an event and start reading the show text. Of course I'm prompted with a show choice before I can even read the text while the monster is chasing me. You need to run a check to see when a player is in an event, and if they are in an event you should NOT 'spawn' the monster. I totally had to skip dialog and make a decision without any knowledge as to what I just picked or what it would do in the show choice while the monster chased me.
You lose the ability to use the controller while in the input number event, but that's usually not an issue for people, I just wanted to bring it up. Speaking of the input number event though, maybe don't force the player to input an answer if guessing the wrong number deals damage to the player, because quite often I have no idea what number to input nor would I have made a wild guess, if the game didn't force me to make a guess. And without the proper information how is the player supposed to know the answer? So all this ends up being is punishment for exploration in the end, and the fact that you also don't allow the player to save the game without finding a specific item in the game and then using it at specific points in the game means tons of loading and very little saving. Repeating the same tasks over and over.
This game is not fun and it's executed very poorly but I appreciate the use of custom art and I like the idea of using parallaxes as backgrounds for maps. There's a few good ideas in here but unfortunately the game is riddled with bad design choices.
Congratulations on submitting a game for the jam and good luck with your next project, I'm sure you've learned some new stuff in the whole process.