I just tried your game and died before reaching even floor 10. The spikes really did me in and a battle finished me off. I gotta agree with Drifty on this one, it seems hard for the sake of being hard. The lack of money and the heavy pricing made me quite nervous to even spend anything.
Some small bugs:
- I also noticed some typos: it's spelled "Renaissance fair", "my business", "apparently".
- It's a shame that the faceset doesn't change when you change clothes, but I'm assuming you probably lacked the time to do that.
- The bins on the same row as the soda machines aren't interactable and neither is the trashbag to the north (Wright street).
I do want to say that I really like your art; it's quite amazing what you've accomplished in one month. I was also impressed with your world building. I felt like I got a pretty good grasp of it, even though I only played for a bit.