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This is a great entrant! It's a theme everyone can relate to: What is [insert seemingly innocent location] was dark and abandoned, only to be haunted?

To be a bit more constructive, it doesn't feel very personal. It seems like a bunch of free assets thrown together, which results in some immersion-breaking stuff, like the main character seemingly being about as tall as a car.

I really like the "Marco Polo" mechanic of calling out to the car that is seemingly changing location a bunch of times whenever you think you're getting close. But with the already slow movement speed, the game ends up feeling sluggish because you have to completely stop to use your keys to locate your car, which is a few seconds of just standing still. I'm guessing this is to avoid the player moving too close to the car before it changes location?

Also, don't use the car keys when interacting with the girl. It broke my game (unable to move) and I had to restart. Also, it's quite immersion breaking to beep your car when this creepy girl approaches you.

I'm not a big fan of the ending. I audibly laughed out loud when what had previously spooked me (a car almost running me over, some creepy wraith-like lady hovering in front of me) was replaced with a dragon. Also, spoilers, the game ends with you being eaten by a dragon. It could've been a really creepy game, but the humorous ending kinda ruined the vibe from me. Still, a really solid game! One of the best I've played from this jam!