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(1 edit) (+1)

Warning there may be spoilers for those who haven't read the story yet!

I swear to God you are my favorite person Baten!

Reasons why this game is awesome:

(I know it's a lot but i thought you might be interested to see what we, or at least what I think as I go through the game. sorry it's so much.)

  • First of all I found the fact that she would just randomly fall over hilarious only because I just imagined her walking around minding her own business and then all of a sudden she just face plants into the ground.
  • Secondly, I immediately felt bad for this poor child with no friends or family who just accepted that she was nobody special and that no one cared about her.
  • Next on my "This game is Awesome" list of reasons is the goddamn first choice XD like seriously I don't think I've ever seen the "Ask him out choice" worded quite like that. I can't stop laughing at it "Hurry up and ask this husband-material man on a date." the only thing that makes it better is the fact the other option says "Say goodbye like a normal person."
  • Also, I thought that putting Reqieu's name pronunciation in the dialogue was honestly really smart, not many people think to do that.

The list continues as I play the game.....(I'm only on the first choice right now haha)

(Chose the normal option lol)

  • Henri: hated him at first, realized he actually cares, laughed cause he's a tsundere.....oh and What was that Henri? Something about dreams? (Henri is the best so far lol) "I SAID I THOUGHT OF A PUN!" nice save there Henri, real smooth. 10 Points for Henri
  • What kind of con artist's has Vendetta run into???
  • aaaaaaand now I have a moody lance.....It's exactly what every hero needs!!!! 5 Points Lanneis

(And third choice....seriously though just take off your glasses...)

So far it's really interesting. I've really missed the music you use, it all just so calming. Wynrou is interesting and fun to learn more about, and Lanneis is pretty cool. I like how he's just like "whatever i don't care" but deep down he really does care at least a little bit. I have some theories about Vendetta but I won't say anything for the sake of others but I'm curious to see if I'm right. Anyway back to the game!

Just wanna say, I would love to have "Died while distracted with talking to a magic lance." on my tomb stone. oblivious.....AS ALL HELL!

Back to the list: (Why is 100 years old an option lol)

  • Nia is awesome!
  • Dear God that was a horrible pick-up line XD -3 points for myself haha
  • Best option so far....whelp time to find out what this "innuendo" is haha
  • Dear Lord she actually called her teacher! I love this game so much XD
  • Lanneis is THE best teacher EVER! I will slam dunk all the idiots in to the trash can! 10 Points for Lanny!!!
  • Lanneis: Stubborn, reserved, secretly a sweetheart, and will murder for you......Lanny is winning right now
  • Jealous of other weapons.....yep he's definitely winning
  • And the battle between Henri and Lanny begins! This is going to be an amazing game!!!!
  • Henri gets 5 more points for calling me fine by accident lol

(Just finished chapter one)

This game already seems amazing and I'm excited to see the rest. If you couldn't tell already my favorites so far are Henri and Lanny, I love that Lanny gets so jealous so quickly and how much he opens up after only a few days. Nia really got to him didn't she lol. Henri is just plain adorable and it's fun watching him get flustered is a lot of fun.

I've been trying to figure out the connection, if any at all, to the previous games and the one that will be coming in the future though I'm probably just looking too hard for something that probably isn't there. And I still have my suspicions about Vendetta......though my theory may have changed a bit thanks to the whole sword/spirit thing.....hmmm.....

(Anyway moving on to chapter 2)

  • 5 points Lanny for almost buying flowers
  • I like that you added a Save him and get pissed off at Lanny option. it's basically saying "Not only will you probably die, but you'll die angry too!"
  • *Gasp* I messed up! Though I like how you told the reader that there was a better option and that I could actually do something about what was happening. Really creative and unique. I like it.

What.....just.....happened? arm.....that was the true ending of the demo? I.....I hate that you apologized because I can't get mad at you now for ending the demo like that GAH!!!

Anyway, it was really good and I enjoyed it thoroughly from start to finish. I'm really excited for the next update and eventually the finished version. I hope you enjoyed reading my reactions to certain parts of the game and I assure you they are all genuine. I always enjoy reading your work and I always look forward to see what you come up with next. I'm a huge fan and you are a truly amazing person Baten, from your terribly funny jokes and your cruel plot twists, all the way to your amazing characters and heart-wrenching scenes. You're creative, fun, and I can tell that you put a lot of hard work and love into all of your projects.

Anyway, see you around keep making people smile, laugh, cry, and above all never stop writing.


P.S. PLEASE DEAR LORD MAKE HENRI A PLAYABLE ROUT!!!!!!!!!!! I KNOW IT WOULD BE FUNNY IF HE WASN'T BUT I THINK IT COULD BE FUNNIER IF HE WAS! like seriously, Iris is already hella oblivious, his rout would be like him trying so hard to get her to realize he likes her while he acts like he doesn't like her. He'd be his own obstacle, IT WOULD BE HILARIOUS!!! Please just consider it.....please.....for me.....your like number one fan (more realistically number two considering anyone important in your life would automatically be number one)..........please..........okay bye!

Thank you so much! I had a blast reading this! If I remember correctly, in the demo there are 1 or 2 jokes related to Ciel's game. I'm really glad you enjoyed my work so much, and thank you for taking the time to write me such a sweet message!

Haha, Henri :-)

I'm glad someone is going crazy for him, as intended, heheh!

You're welcome, I'm glad you enjoyed reading my message and I'll have to go back and look for those Ciel jokes.

Henri is pretty awesome haha!

(1 edit)

You took the words right out of my mouth, XD my favorite characters are Henri and Lanny. Baten i'm your number 3 fan! lol


Lanny is definitely top favorite in this one and Henri is a very close far. I've literally been warring over the two of them, and I love how they fight with each other for Iris' affections and she's oblivious as all hell.