Thanks for the link to the Gauntlet thread! There’s some great context in there.
I have to agree with Froggy in what he said in that thread:
I really think it would benefit the game if you were to put together a list of touchstones and not wishy-wash around the “what type of fantasy” question.
The more I read it, the more I realize that Fantasy World is absolutely trying to emulate a particular kind of fantasy, and I’m realizing my own fantasy biases. When I think of “fantasy,” I realized I’m almost always thinking of “romantic fantasy.” FW does not seem like it will play out romantic fantasy well. You’re going for something more like Game of Thrones, which you mention briefly in the Introduction.
FW is really not trying to “emulate” a specific source.
That’s true, but it’s clearly trying to emulate a specific type of fantasy–one that’s prevalent in many different books, as you listed! I do think it would helpful if you said more about the type of fantasy FW emulates. Listing inspirational books and movies is one way to do that. Saying more about the type of fantasy FW emulates is another way to do that.
Re: sex (much less important)
When I say “sex” in all my posts, I mean explicit sexual intercourse, not sexuality. Hopefully that clarifies some confusion.
When I say “it’s a big deal,” I don’t mean that it’s central to the game, or the main focus. I mean that, if it happens at all (again, explicit sex, not sexual content or innuendo), it’s important, and usually veiled (as in, Lines and Veils).
The Minstrel and Priest moves in question here, have sex (again, intercourse) happening very casually (“and the entire crowd turned into one giant orgy”). Clearly the One Golden Rule could stop this from happening, but it initially seemed awkward to me that it was included as an option for the Minstrel and Priest at all.
Now that I know more about where you’re coming from, and what source works you’re drawing inspiration from, it makes much more sense.
And you’re right, it’s easy to remove, so I’m not worried about it. :)
Hopefully that cleared up any confusions you had! :D