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Noted an odd issue with getting stuck on the hedges and glitching a bit as the character tried to move while trapped in one place. Noticed an interesting choice in the combat in that the attacks were angled in the direction the character was moving, not the way the mouse was pointed, which made combat a bit tricky. The combat was easy at the start, with the basic thugs, but accidentally pulling more than one green flying guy is a death sentence. The fact that you gave them names specifically to flip the script and have eldritch names on later enemies is really good, I liked that quite a bit. A fun little game with a few janky errors that could pretty easily get cleaned up in post - oh, and it could use some music. Overall pretty good, though!

Thank you!

I was initially thinking, actually, that it would be a four-direction thing, like older Zeldas. I didn't really even think to try making it match the mouse.  Looks like that was a mistake, since a lot of people wanted the attack to come out pointing at the mouse. :P