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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Voice acting! Music! Sounds! I will say there’s visible background noise in the voice acting, but that can be passed off as interference. The music also kept tricking us into thinking it was Creature Sounds. Can’t figure out what the accent is supposed to be. I will note also that you did misspell Geiger in the controls. Um, what else… the controls would be easier to understand if the tutorial specified what your friendly guy on the comms was doing as he did it, or perhaps that was true and we weren’t paying attention. I wish there was an indicator on the x-ray scan of from which angle it was viewing the world - we couldn’t tell if it was top down or from the front, or what. It’s also a bit disorienting to have the nose scan oriented a different direction from the wide area scan. We couldn’t find any creatures, nor could we find the goal, so as it is, the game is not really scary because there are no threats. It could be really terrifying, though, with some work. It’s a REALLY strong base. As far as we could tell, it’s a lot of mechanics, but not much meat. Unless we just couldn’t find the meat in the very very slow submarine. That’s also possible. In which case, the meat should be made a bit easier to find, in my opinion.

Oh this is cute! The style kind of reminds of Binding of Isaac a little, which is a good thing. Music and sounds are great, animations are good, style is consistent. Text is readable and without errors. This isn’t really a horror game - more of just a necromancy-themed adventure dungeon crawler - but it’s a really solid one. This is great work.

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…okay, so, copyrighted material aside, there is not a lot here. It’s another meme entry. Low draw distance and jumpscares can spook anybody. The game also bugs out constantly. Like with a couple other games, I dock points for non-original ideas, and a lot of the material in this is lifted, though I will admit to the very silly villager quest being amusing.

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It is a horror game. There is spooky stuff. The AI is very, very aggressive and A-poses at you half the time, which takes a lot of the fun and immersion out of it, and I’m lowering the design score because this game is what you get if you swapped out Phasmophobia’s ‘identify the spirit’ mechanic for a ‘key hunt item find’ mechanic instead, and I value originality in game design. It could also use improved sound or perhaps some music.

The spooky vibes are really good until you actually see the enemy. Really solid start! But once you see the enemy, it becomes very goofy. Great for a game jam game.

Reminded me, oddly enough, of Scrutinized, a bit? At least the parts of that game where you’re reading through reports and filing them. Which I find weirdly fascinating/fun. I do agree that there need to be more templates for possible documents; having repeats breaks the immersion.

There are some typos in the subtitling, and it is a bit directionless. It feels like a test for a larger game; perhaps you could expand on it?

Yeah, Renpy just gives you a code box and goes “have fun!” and lets you figure it out with the site documentation. You pretty much just have to sort of wing it. And wow - that’s a very high compliment, thank you so much!

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SO as a general rule, I don’t think players like mazes. Especially mazes that teleport me back to the start via unavoidable crownado when I am, I’m pretty sure, most of the way through? I passed two different open areas, the first one with green lanterns, the second one with a giant baby doll. Then the crows vworped me back to the start. This reminds me of a game a few years back called Lost in Vivo, though that one went… weird places. I was really hoping this would be like Lost in Vivo but better. I was hoping it would go somewhere really cool, but it didn’t really go much of anywhere, and neither did I, because the crows didn’t want me to. This could be really good, but it definitely needs some adjustment. OH ALSO it is a nightmare to play this with a trackpad.

Noted an odd issue with getting stuck on the hedges and glitching a bit as the character tried to move while trapped in one place. Noticed an interesting choice in the combat in that the attacks were angled in the direction the character was moving, not the way the mouse was pointed, which made combat a bit tricky. The combat was easy at the start, with the basic thugs, but accidentally pulling more than one green flying guy is a death sentence. The fact that you gave them names specifically to flip the script and have eldritch names on later enemies is really good, I liked that quite a bit. A fun little game with a few janky errors that could pretty easily get cleaned up in post - oh, and it could use some music. Overall pretty good, though!

Yeah - the horror aspect of this was meant to be the ending realization plus a lot of glitching throughout the game, but a bunch of that ended up nonfunctional due to a lack of time, so the horror is entirely in the story itself and the inevitable knowledge that you and everyone you know and love is going to die slowly and horribly because the people who imprisoned you abandoned you to the mercy of the ocean and there’s nothing you can do about it. I really would’ve liked to get more of the glitches working though, that would’ve been good. We definitely intend to revamp a lot of the game after the jam is over and make it stronger.

LORD the chase scene was the bane of our existence - it was meant to be timed, so you had to keep picking in five seconds or you’d game over, but we could not for the life of us get that functionality to work so we took it out and I think it got really messy because of it and ended up taking away from the game rather than adding to it. Thank you for playing, and I’m glad you enjoyed it!

If there’s not a flashing lights warning on this game - I don’t remember if there was one at the start - THERE NEEDS TO BE. The concept is cool - I like the bare geometry, it’s pretty, though it feels like it’s missing something - and the plot is… barely there? I want to know the full poem, but not enough to keep pursuing it.

I did notice quite a few grammatical errors; you’ll want to get a proofreader next time. Love the art. Not really a horror game, as far as I can tell? I have no idea what happened.

Could use a bit of proofreading; the sentences are a bit iffy in places. Music and sound are great! The camera can sometimes glitch when you pull someone. As long as you’re at range you’re fine, but if guards get near you at all, you’re dead. So the concept is fun - murder spree! - but it’s a bit too difficult.

This game is really fun and funny. It’s not horror, not really, and it’s nothing special in terms of mechanics, but it’s very enjoyable. A good little beat-em-up. Good work!

Fair enough!

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It’s difficult to balance, because there’s too much emphasis on the mechanics of how diving works, which most people will not know much about, but those are integral to the plot. I question why the underwater city backgrounds look like a surface city despite the fact that they were allegedly designed to exist underwater. The sound and music are lovely, though I think the whale noises become very repetitive most of the way through. There are a couple typos and/or missed words here or there, and there are a lot of loose threads which I wish I understood the relevance of. This isn’t really horror - it’s not spooky, or anything. But it is really beautiful. Lastly, I think there are perhaps a few too many moving parts that aren’t fully tracked or understood by the player without extra thought? I don’t know if you intended for the game to be longer, or more complex, but it felt like there were moving parts possibly working behind the scenes, but either we shouldn’t look at them, or we should be able to see them and also manipulate them. That’s just my opinion, though. Great work. EDIT: the casino background image is also missing.

Oh THIS is COOL. I really liked the premise, the mechanics, the horror aspect of you learning to rely on the goddess statues and suddenly they can be destroyed, the progressively worsening shake and fear as the girl’s sanity drains, the illusory monsters, the NON-illusory monsters, the sound. This rules.

We have music and sound! That’s a plus! The ambiance is solid. There don’t appear to be any enemies, so I’m not sure why there’s a gun/ammo, but maybe that would be something for a larger game. I like the little flavor text with Stryker, whatever that may be.

Creepypasta game. VN portions much better than the short first-person segment, which - to be honest - probably shouldn’t have been included. Writing was mostly fine; could’ve used proofreading.

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Short and simple. It does what it wants to do. Background noises are nice, but don’t loop, which should be changed. Sprites act a little oddly sometimes. Overall, simple, functional, does what it wants to do. Nothing special, but very solid.

(2 edits)

Cute graphical style. Sound will bug out if you die, though, or just bug in general. There is a bit of overlap between when you hit transition to another scene and the time you’re able to move around. ‘it was all a dream’ is a little cliche, but that’s alright.

Writing is pretty good, but there’s a grammatical error in the opening screen. Aside from that, though, it’s easy to read. Good instructions - it was easy to tell what needed done. The concept of only knowing the enemy’s direction was really cool, too. The music and sound effects were good! It wasn’t really horror, but it was great.

The game idea is REALLY COOL. It reminds me of those old ‘feeding frenzy’ flash games where you ate smaller fish to become larger, but with monsters, and you get cool mutations that you eat off your enemies. It’s neat, and the art is cool! Unfortunately, it’s also really confusing, with an un-intuitive UI, difficult to listen to with badly balanced sound levels, and unbalanced in combat when it comes to the larger enemies.

Solid little game! Fun twist, clean gameplay. Killing the zombies is very satisfying. The sound effects were good, and the music was appreciated. I liked the graphical style.

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Needs sounds/music. The little bugs are SUPER cute. The game could definitely use some instruction, though, as we never figured out how to make the food blue. Also, there’s a typo on the game over screen. It’s a really cute game, but it’s a little difficult to understand, which takes away from the experience overall. The theme is more cute than it is horror, as well.

Spooky little game, VERY clean and solid gameplay. The theme is spooky, but it isn’t horror - it’s more like Halloween-themed. It’s not a horror game, but it is a good game!

The visual filter can be difficult to look through, and the game DEFINITELY needs some proofreading. Additionally, the game was just really confusing overall. I had no idea what you were meant to do, really. Hitting the player with all the rules right off the bat isn’t a great design decision imo - it would be better to introduce them one by one and let the player get used to them gradually. As it is, it’s too confusing to make any sense.

Really well-done! More fantasy-adventure than horror, really, and it could use some sound design. It could also definitely use some proofreading in its text; there were several notable spelling errors right at the start, and more scattered throughout. There was also some lag to contend with.

This is a spooky little puzzle game. I wish I knew more about the story, but I also kind of don’t mind that I haven’t been told. The effect of being caught by a monster actually got an “oh, crap” out of me - very nice. The puzzles were really intuitive and the tutorial versions of them were super easy to understand. None of them were too difficult, which I appreciate. I will say the controls were a bit iffy - it was really easy to accidentally go too far because the character moved very fast with very little input, so I overshot the borders of the platforms a few times. Overall, though, great work!

Cute sound, cute visuals. It’s a bit difficult to time jumps with how slowly the rocks move, and the birds have an odd habit of flying over the rocks exactly when I need to jump, so I’m forced to use that power-up constantly. Perhaps I just got a bad seed, though. Overall, cute little game.

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Hey, that was fun! The controls weren’t too slippery; they felt clean and nice to use. The fact that you couldn’t look around (as far as I could tell. Maybe i’m just a dingus) made it harder than expected but not in a bad way. This was a cute little bug-free platformer, and I liked it! More goofy than horror, but still fun :D

I also do respect that you freely admit you just ran out of time, and respect that you submitted what you made anyway. I like seeing what you did manage even if it isn’t a finished game and just a map.

I definitely agree with the other commenters in that there needs to be a map of some type, as well as more concrete objectives; I ended up just sort of wandering around, with no idea of where I was supposed to go. The horror was solid - darkness, you as a vulnerable little machine, flickering lights, spooky monsters - and I did like that you could fight back. I ran out of the secondary fire, and had no idea how to get more or if that was even possible, though, which was a bit lame. This game reminded me of an old flash game called Neverending Light; I’m not sure if you’ve played it? The premise isn’t too similar, but the vibes are quite reminiscent of that old thing, and I really liked that. Overall, great work!

Cool contacts. Not a game, but cool.

Beautiful little game with a simple premise. Love the wonky voice acting style. REALLY love the rhymes, they’re simple and they read smooth and clean. No noted spelling or grammar errors that I could spot. The enemies feel inexorable and unrelenting, which I really like. The enemy music could be a bit annoying if it goes on for too long, but you can usually escape them before then. The good-ending music is a wee bit loud. The artwork is FABULOUS. The ambiance and design are gorgeous. I really, really love this entry, and think you did a wonderful job on it.

(2 edits)

This is going to sound a bit harsh, but it’s my honest opinion. The game could really use some subtitles, due to the variation in sound level between the voice acting and the overly-loud sound effects. It also feels like a frustrating key hunt through an annoying, repetitive maze, where the stated win-con - find the switches - doesn’t actually let you win (as far as I can tell), which breaks the internal game logic. The sound effects don’t match the environmental changes (door opening sound = table moving?)and the camera shake is motion-sickness inducing, especially at the end, when it renders the game unplayable. The jumpscares are lackluster and overused. Overall, loud noises, tedious gameplay, and an unreliable flashlight =/= horror. For a first shot at a game you produced something better than DreamWorld, so I’ll give you that.