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The lights didn't feel that great in this game. Would have been nicer if there was more ambient light. You can set a mood without everything being pitch black. The flashlight didn't feel all that useful considering the 5 minute duration on the batteries. If it had infinite duration and just needed to recharge after 5 minutes, sure, but with the limitation, I felt like it would have been nice to have it more useful. The lantern reduces your view radius and removes your default light unlike the flashlight so it also wasn't that useful, especially since the enemies seem to still come after you.

Had an issue where the combat lights just didn't activate and I just instant gamed over. This just felt really unfair and eventually it was so annoying that I stopped playing. Especially with the longer cutscenes of each gameover instead of just a return to last save or w/e. 

I've noticed that a lot of RPG Maker games seem to try to do horror by adding more enemies. I honestly feel like it is better to have fewer, but more important enemies. More enemies ends up being more annoying than scary because you end up desensitized to the enemies. Having one hit kills only makes it even more annoying.

(3 edits)

Yup, understandable. I really wanted to mimic the pitch black atmosphere like Amnesia: The Dark Descent or Outlast where also your lantern or flashlight had a duration. I guess for RPGMAKER it's quite harder to translate to and get around. I will address more save points and allowing the player to return to the game after the Game Over scene. Will definitely add more unique enemies. I doubt I want to remove the one hit, however, considering this game is about limited visibility and looking ahead and avoiding enemies rather than lose HP then run away type of deal.   

Thank you for the generous feedback and for playing the game!