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Thanks for the review! I appreciate the praise and the constructive criticism!

Yes, I should've made it clearer on the hangar screen that you have to hit the 'equip' button after changing your loadout. I've added in a warning now if you try to continue with unsaved changes, which is exactly the kind of thing that's obviously needed in hindsight, but which you miss without playtesting. With that noted I hope you'll try out some of the other weapons!
The tutorial is also definitely too hard - I didn't mean to leave those three enemies there! I had them in the level for testing purposes but they've been moved and reduced down to one for the moment. I was planning for them to show up after completing more of the tutorial, but the tutorial screen system took longer to finish than I expected so they were just left there.

Thanks again for the comments, they've already led to some constructive changes.

Ohhh I did wonder if I was doing something stupid on the Loadout screen, I totally missed the Equip button :D  but yeah it's good that you're adding a prompt in there. I'll definitely give it another play with some of the other weapons!