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(1 edit)

Alright, I was most of the way through the girls, collaring all I could. I left Sam's and Kylie's story lines alone while I worked on Home, Band, Taming, Office etc. harems. Now I come across the MC's Dream Girl... Emma. Small, Shy and totally not into the fact that the MC has "girls". Made my way to her giving the MC a helping "hand", but I seem to be stalled there. Is there a magical fairy or some such that may come along and help, or is she a lost cause like Kylie? Come to think of it, isn't having two girls that don't seem to have a mutually amicable path to them accepting the fact that you have other girls, in a harem game, a little counter productive. Unless there is a way, in which case. Help... ;)

update: Emma just talked to Bree. Bree told her the MC was the best thing since ribbed supertoys and Emma basically told the MC to pound salt. lol Guess she is past redemption. Such a shame.... Perhaps a save edit is in order... ;)

So you can technically get all the girls at the same time with the exception of the police lady and Kylie 

As for how to get Emma u need to basically get her done FIRST before any other girls if u go on a date with any other girl it would be very long for me to explain how to fix it so short of starting a new save yes she is a lost cause but that's ok though bc you can't do much with her and literally can only get a blowjob from her

(2 edits)

Well I have edited her love points to 4 and increased her maximum love to 140, so she can get back to 70 in-game. It was strange, after talking to Bree, her love fell and she said her thoughts on our relationship, however the option opened to role-play after a date, so I am hoping I can trip that flag at some point and see if it will proceed unimpeded by her morals. Time will tell if I need to fiddle with her programming again.

Update: That did it. It allowed the dating to progress to the role-play scene and the question of whether I wanted to be her BF or not.