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A member registered May 19, 2020

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Is there a change log between builds so I can see if there was actual content added or if it was just fixes?


Is there a History screen or hotkey to re-read events? At times I catch an event notification on the upper right of the screen, just to have it disappear before I can see what it is.

Missing resource. image 'bj_breeleximinamisamsasha_samanthafront_collar' not found.
pixelation added for posting.

(2 edits)

Regarding the Home Harem, I managed to bring Bree, Sasha, Minami, Lexi and Samantha into the fold. Is this the extent of the Home Harem or will there be the option to move/construct a new house. It is getting a little tight and all these girls hog the bathroom. 馃槈

Regarding the other harem's, I noticed some are not labelled as such in the game. There is the Home and Office harem, but are the others supposed to be mentioned specifically?  I will see the names Band Harem, Jealous Harem etc. Pop up on the screen when something has been fulfilled or added to the To-Do list. But never see the Harem name for them in the list. Will "Sasha and Andrea" in the list change to their harem names, or always just stay "Sasha and Andrea" ? 

The demo only has a handful of characters. The full, obviously has the full spectrum.

Not sure then, could be a glitched game or there may be a flag needing to be set that has not happened yet. Something needing to be completed. 馃槙

took a while for her to show up in my game also. Saturday afternoons you have to be home. I think it was because I was out and about town on Saturdays. 

For the most part, I find that most events like this happen on a Saturday afternoon. I try to not even make any dates for Saturdays because I have had events happen and piss off my date because the event has made me miss it. From noon on, I stand in the living room and hit the pass time button. Hope that helps.

Update: That did it. It allowed the dating to progress to the role-play scene and the question of whether I wanted to be her BF or not.

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Image 'emma_lick_piercings_nipples' not found. I added the pixelation, not sure if I could post it without it.

(2 edits)

Well I have edited her love points to 4 and increased her maximum love to 140, so she can get back to 70 in-game. It was strange, after talking to Bree, her love fell and she said her thoughts on our relationship, however the option opened to role-play after a date, so I am hoping I can trip that flag at some point and see if it will proceed unimpeded by her morals. Time will tell if I need to fiddle with her programming again.

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Alright, I was most of the way through the girls, collaring all I could. I left Sam's and Kylie's story lines alone while I worked on Home, Band, Taming, Office etc. harems. Now I come across the MC's Dream Girl... Emma. Small, Shy and totally not into the fact that the MC has "girls". Made my way to her giving the MC a helping "hand", but I seem to be stalled there. Is there a magical fairy or some such that may come along and help, or is she a lost cause like Kylie? Come to think of it, isn't having two girls that don't seem to have a mutually amicable path to them accepting the fact that you have other girls, in a harem game, a little counter productive. Unless there is a way, in which case. Help... ;)

update: Emma just talked to Bree. Bree told her the MC was the best thing since ribbed supertoys and Emma basically told the MC to pound salt. lol Guess she is past redemption. Such a shame.... Perhaps a save edit is in order... ;)

Saturday or Sunday only.

Image '3dance_hand_sasha' not found. Slave Lexi story line. Cheers

Thanks, Just came across the same error in my office I would assume, Cherie is supposed to show up.

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21.7 Loaded, reloaded, and tried several saves but keep getting this every time I am in the Mansion looking for Cherie. Directly after the MC says he will have to look for her, and just before he speaks to her i get this exception thrown. Seems it can not load the picture file for Cherie I would assume.

(3 edits)

Not sure what I am doing wrong but for the life of me I can not get this game to run. I was playing v21.4.0g and was quite enjoying it, so I came here to purchase and support the game, just to get a game that only crashes to the desktop every time I try to run it.

I noticed that there was a switch to the Renpy 7.4.5. Could this be an issue? The log offers up very little info, but I do have a .dmp file from Windows that may allow some insight. Perhaps if I could get hold of v21.5.0d, I could try it and see if it is indeed renpy causing the issue. I have searched the net and found v21.5.0e, which is the one just past the renpy update, and it mirrors the crash and log of v21.6.0d.

Any and all help would be appreciated.


(((Figured it out. Right after you click on the LoSeSb.exe, press and hold the left Shift key. Keep holding till the graphics screen appears. There will be the renderer option. It is as default set to automatic. you must select the last option, Force ANGLE2 Renderer. Quit and restart the game. It seems the Automatic setting is not that good at detecting what it should use. So much for the Renpy "UPDATE". )))

It has to do with the new update for renpy not using software renderers anymore bu default. It attempts to force hardware rendering and we all know ho it can be to implement direct hardware rendering. That is why the option for SW rendering is still there, to make sure there is much wider compatibility. It is just a pain to find.

I have exactly the same problem, so this is not an isolated incident.

If I am not mistaken, the one with Maria, Ashley and Lin is part of her Lust menu option. Could be mistaken, I recall seeing that option there though.

Wasn't the question "What is found near the end of January and February that's not found at the beginning"? ;)

(5 edits)

First off, and above all else, I love the game. The progression and stories are great. I have however run into a glitch that I can not seem to get around. The day that you find the android on the washing machine. I still have to try several more routes, but this event seems to break the menu for sleeping with the girls. After this event, that night when I attempt to sleep with one of the girls, (and I have five in the list), the list is blank and only shows the back button. Not sure if this is a common issue. Anyway, I have the save from just before both occurrence if that may be of any help. Any and all help you may be able to offer would be greatly appreciated. Again, such a great game. Cheers.

Edit: Sorry, forgot to mention this is V9.2 on PC

Edit 2: I have loaded up earlier and earlier saves and have done only the android arc to see if it is something specific that causes this, but I find that the loss of the girls sleep options occurs every single time after the android/washing machine scene. I am going to save my saves up to now and delete everything, starting from scratch to see if it will fix the issue. A shame as I am close to 140 days in. Alas, these things happen. Cheers.

Edit 3: The issue seems to have righted itself after I raised the Android to the level of sleeping with me. Strange glitch. I will keep you posted on any further developments. Thanks.