lol! Ok if you're hitting it in the 40's, you're on par w me & I don't feel so bad. (some were saying that most got it b4 D28, but think that only happened once if I don' t cheat) Still means you're paying bank 4k gold
Oh, note on higher diff quests: (this is off top of head) 1: X # of Mystic Leather (don't know where to mine it or find it!) Slave w X stats plus hi charm (possible in later days if u have lots gold/can make Tailer stuff, but early on b4 upgrades, no way)
Most difficult quests I've tried, had 2 forfeit. Maybe only get 1/3 on med/hard quests. (would help a *LOT* if you could get 2 quest at once, that way if you can't do one at least you can do the other one.
Fishing (I did a piece on Wiki about this---works, but not good if trying to do quests/upgrades. Not recommended.
FISHING requires hi wits, while nearly everything else (that you need for production/quests) requires hi Physics----so almost opposites. (very rare to find both) So do you BUY rods? (decent one can be over 1,000 gold!) can't make until upgraded Forge/Tailor
Sure Mythril's nice, but very hard & slow to mine, + you loose obedience fast going that far!
lol you're right about the harlot----makes more to Fish than be a hooker---even w prostitute class!
Quest generation: far as I know, you can increase difficulty, but NOT # of quests, right? Many, many time, sort of "sat there" waiting for more (empty quest board) -- Even when have enough gold (to get by/pay bank) almost always not enough quest pts by day 28.
never got to anything like Dominator (you have to BUY it) 1,000 pts I think?
Anyway goal here was to get 500 EACH Guild so no more bank issues.
Upgrading is great----problem is, *VERY* EXPENSIVE! (both gold & hard to mine resources) just to go from 2 to 4----mostly 1st 21 days scramble get as much gold as possible *WHILE* not missing any quests (still do sometimes anyway----items not avail to buy, etc)
500/3= Each quest needs to pay *AT LEAST* 167 pts each, & problem is many don't pay anything close to that.
"I always get the 500 with all four guilds for the necklace,"-----huh? What necklace are you talking about? Are you saying you've gotten 500 w all 4 Guilds *BEFORE* D28?!?
I'm becoming a fan of Druids also---- but Elves in general are very hard to find----so mostly this is about 1st slave? (I prefer Peon so they can help smith)
Weapons----I think one way got myself in trouble before (esp 1st 14 days!) is spending too much! Weapons cost a *LOT*----many are 500-1k or more; So options: Avoid fighting in 1st 14 days??? ("Dungeon clear" & sometimes even Goblins [hi evasion] can kick my butt w/o decent weapons) -->> PLUS prices *REALLY* suck, so if you have to sell weapons you loose a lot.
Servant Guild----since as mentioned *NEVER* got 500 rep [b4 D28] I'm learning to avoid them unless they pay good gold. Almost always take a big loss on any slave you buy/sell.
Isn't "sex toy" one of those you have to buy? (500 pts or higher) I take it you've gotten 500 pts there? [b4 D28] ? if so, how?
I agree w training---1 more thing I've learned----problem is, getting someone far away back home! (can't have dates away from home----very costly in time [or do you cheat? ]
Daisy----so you never have her be a Worker/Hunter/farmer etc [anything practical] ---even cooks need hi wits or they don't work as good. Do you get her among 1st 5 (before upgrades) or, wait till after upgrades? Best thing about her (besides looks ) is she's CHEAP! But more than once got quest---& she was only 1 that fit it so...
Would need to check but I think head girl has to be bought (guild pts) also;
I usually have lots of workers---at least 4-5+ (can always sell Iron/wood/etc if don't need it) which means I mostly look for high Physics for 1st 5-7 char (as opposed to fishing/wits)
Besides, *STAFFS* are *VERY* expensive (usually 1,000 gold +) to buy, & takes quite a while before you can make them.
What about you MC? you prefer Dark elf or??