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I think this was one of the few games in the jam that had a working menu and instructions/tutorial on how to play which was very helpful when jumping into a new VR experience. I have relatively strong VR legs since I've been playing since the DK1 but those camera changes....wooooooshhh... I had to stop. I wanted to play more, as I could see there was so much content there, but I couldn't deal with the weird angle on the camera changes to make me want to continue playing. If you iron that out on your next update, I would love to give it another go! 

I really appreciate your feedback! I had a visual indicator for when the camera would move but it was hard to implement in a weekend. I have since refined it and gotten it to work way better. I am going to try to make a few better levels and I will upload another copy, hopefully better copy. Thank you so much for playing!