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This is a really fascinating concept, sadly I couldn't seem to get it working with my Rift S in either oculus or steam VR. I would only be able to load in without any hands or inputs through steam... strange.

Either way, it sounds like an exciting project so hope you continue on with it!


Hey, sorry about that. I haven’t built it for Oculus devices. Largely because I’m kind of competing directly with Facebook’s own ambitions of building a metaverse, so I figured it probably wasn’t a good idea to build on their platform. But it should work a little in non-VR mode on any Windows machine, but the inputs aren’t as intuitive or fully featured yet compared to VR (WASD to move, Q and E to turn, shift to jump, but no ability to really move the view much, so typing in the browser window is limited). Thanks for the feedback though, let me know if you get a chance to test it out another way (either another VR headset or a limited experience on non-VR)!