Thank you so much for your feedback and for the video review.
I'm really thrilled (I litterally had shivers while watching :) )
To see it unfold as I have designed it and that it resonates, it's so.. touching
that it stands by it's own and that I'm understood, that's really something.
I really hope that shuf grows, it'sgreat what you do, I'll be keeping an eye and try to participate when I can :)
I've joined PangPang Club ( earlier this year and it's true that this community really fuels me. The club is about doing experimental interactive things, redefine what is called a game. The discussions are in french, but some of the works are in english.
and when I say Live jam, we were actually remotely collaborating on discord ^^' just that we were connected at the same time so we could talk, like really talk, not just exchange text messages on chat ;)
PS : I noticed some frenglish words in my text, these were not on purpose, I'll have to correct that ^^' (ex. instead of pression it should be pressure)