Overall, this game is super enjoyable. I'm not sure what the radar does, from what I can tell it just makes the screen green. Sometimes I would be shot down from 5 people, other times I made it to 8 people without getting shot at, and it was a bit unclear what all the factors were.
It definitely fits the tiny town theme! (though it could be tinier) Could only be improved by adding a snowman, ha!
I could almost call this a puzzle game, which I think makes it a lot of fun. You need to figure out the best way to abduct the buildings without being caught, and there's a good amount of management and ordering the buildings, which I enjoyed.
The graphics are lookin' good, and the tractor beam effects is stellar. I like the variety in buildings. It definitely makes the town feel nicer than every house looking the same. I really enjoy the cool color palette. (as in cool colors, granted the palette is also super rad)
The tractor beam sound effect is great, and I love the little explosion noise it makes when the house is gone. Ha!
That ties in with the humor. The little crater that appears after you destroy a building gets a little chuckle out of me every time.
I love the mood you created here. You're always on edge, because you just might get caught, but the nighttime aesthetic makes it feel relaxed.
All around, this was a good time. Thanks for the game!