It sounds like a localized issue on your part, but I'll briefly run through a few things you can try.
First and foremost, 6 GB free might sound like a lot, but sometimes programs partition more memory than the actual file size to get things done. So the first thing you should try is removing files you simply do not need to free up space. This often happens with me when I install steam games (due to limited space issues).
Secondly, I don't know what platform you're attempting to install to, but you may want to copy and save your save files, delete the rest and then "install".
In reality though, there is nothing to be installed. You're simply downloading the files and placing them on your PC. There is no unpacking or things of that nature to be done.
As far as I can see, no one else has had these problems using the same files, so it seems this may be related to something going on with your particular system.
These are the only things I can think of offhand. If you're still having issues, please take some screenshots or make a video of what's going on for you, chances are it's something fairly simple that needs to be tweaked.