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A member registered Jul 10, 2021 · View creator page →

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so far every time I try to click the button to download over 10 times it won’t click it and instead opens 2 different tabs for other sites when I do the free one.

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Took forever how to figure out how to download everything got it done then took 5 minute wait for it to load and first thing I see is error log okay no problem might be in a different language but I memorized where the ignore button was so I could by pass it then it loads into the main menu and it's all black and wont let me click on anything fix this please. This is Android BTW

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Love the story one of the only games like this I actually read. I got to level 17 and there are no more notes but the game is 1.3.5 so I assume when I hit lvl 20 and reach silver I can unlock more content as the game is completed main story wise! Atleast thats what im told 1.0 means that the base is completed. Got me hooked on not only the story but the characters are actually well thought out and sanders is funny as hell. I will come back to update my review when I finish the game but so far it's awesome. Edit: just finished it and gotta say I'm disappointed it's not finished but I can see why it's in the completed stage as you finished the 1st chapter. As I said before the story is it's strongest point it's very heart warming I won't say what happens as some havent read it yet but there are also sad points and the it made me get very angry and sad at what happens and if a story can make you emotional it means the Author put in a lot of effort to bring you closer to the characters. This game earned a permanent position in my feed for updates and I very much look forward to more. Wish I had the money to support this project.

thanks man and I had no clue. Guess I'm just not tech savvy enough as I never knew and I have had nothing but androids for phone my entire life.

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Cant get out of it after selecting the item

Android version. I need a run through on how to make a name as double tap only adds letters not delete them, then i try to buy somthing and i cant even buy anything or select anything or i get stuck in the menu with no way to get out of the shop menu. I went to pick up the adveturer garb and got it but now i cant even exit the menu. I can select the 2 clothes in the menu but cant do anything else. Am i missing something? There is no back button and if i use my phone back button it exits the game.

Not even close XD it says 0.2 which means 20% finished

no problem I was stumped on it completely myself so I clicked on everything in my inventory even the potions and got lucky.

Give him the stone slab that you get when you enter the shop ran by the magic order guy you first meet when visiting the guild

not sure how to get the crash report as it doesn't even give an error code it just closes everything and send me back to my phone screen. I more then likely just have a virus from something else I downloaded as I had this happen only 1 time before and it was fixed with a factory reset. The last time this happened it was because I downloaded a hacked game but those are like playing roulette with a virus as its a 50/50 chance even on trusted websites its still a 25% chance you get 1. I tried downloading other games and it's doing the same thing so it's a device issue or more then likely a virus on my phone.

Its probably a compatibility issue but my phone is Samsung Galaxy A14 5G the game crashes every 10 minutes or so for Android. I dont have any other information as its crashes randomly within 10 minutes or so.

If you turn on the mode for laggy animations immediately after enabling it the game crashes and wont open for Android please fix this.

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Are all the chapters seperate games or all in 1? Im asking because when i hit download chapter 2 popped up as a seperate game. EDIT: just read through the stuff up top and it's all seperate.

it's the very first scene where the lady tries to take the snacks and I go to stuff the character cock down her throat it tries to play the scene for a few seconds then it begins to skip like as if a movie cd is scratched then it crashes 

Hi not sure if it's a bug or compatability issue as it usually only happens with this style of scene animations. It works fine for harem hotel, sicae and crimson high-school but any time there is a animated scene the scene doesn't play out well and skips then crashes part way through the scenes. Please look into it but I am having same problem with the game "Unexpected"

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The game crashes for android every 10 minutes my device is.  Galaxy A14 5G maybe its device compatibility but please look into it. Edit: it happens mostly with the animation when in a scene it's crashes half way through the spanking scene not sure why.

so it wont play in the Browser says something wrong with the Java script. you click on anything and this pops up. it lets you click new game then it does it again when trying to change name XD

How do i progress to the next day? its Midnight and i cant click on the bed nor can i find a button to progress the day.

I wish you the best man I won't pretend to know what your going through but I do know that somethings can lead to a dark place and the key to getting out of it is to find the thing or someone that can pull you out for me it was stories like your game the sex is nice but the story itself is better written then many and I mean many other games like this you have a great talent I hope you can get well soon and I don't mind the waiting there are even some Manga that take a year to update its like opening a candy bar for the first time. It was worth the wait :)

I see i didn't know that usually I can download up to a 3 gb game with 6 gb free but I do see your point im doing Android and I have tried to free up more space but its probably doing as you said because when it goes to install towards the end it says not enough space so thank you for your reply!

It won't install i have 6.3 GB free and I have had the game downloaded before just fine but for some reason after the latest update it simply won't install and I have no idea why please resolve this issue.

Yea it says I have to talk to him. It doesn't say 100% completed

Macumba is bugged i gave him the Walkman then went to receive the training from him and he has no dialog it goes into it as if he is gonna talk but it immediately goes away. I clicked on him repeatedly and it keeps doing it. It doesn't freeze or crash it just won't let me talk to him