Alright, now I've finally rationalised all the feedback and put it in order I can give a proper response:
First thing, I've created new tickets and updated the version tracking dashboard with the issues you've raised (most of them) :) I'm fixing a couple of them soon in 0.1.4 and 0.1.5.
random ctd when clicking use on axe. No repro. Happened only once after many deaths
I'm not sure what you're referring to here, what is ctd?
unnecessary restart-computer prompt after install
Via the itch app the install will try to also install the msvc redistributable, this is probably the cause of the request to restart? Does that fit for the steps you took?
Game screen flashes up for one tick when going from death screen to main menu
Thanks for bringing this up, it's a known issue that I've yet to fix, I'll push the priority on fixing this up :)
duplicate rmb menu options when you have more than one of each item (eg; collect two planks, rmb on water, shows two options for 'create platform'
I've created a bug for this.
Dying in water is annoying
This is the most frequent piece of feedback that I get, created a ticket and delivering in 0.1.4.
Probably shouldn't allow navigation to an undiscovered tile
I thought I had this sorted, created a bug.
Spike traps confusing - can get away with stepping on only one?
Agreed on this, I've been planning to improve it. Created a ticket to display health and another to show an effect when taking damage.
Maybe allow for binding items to a key/mouse-button?
I agree, repeated use of an item isn't very nice. Created a ticket to make it better.
Double-click mechanic for item-pickup would be great... and possibly for using an equipped item...
Item collection interface is anaemic in general, made a ticket to address.
Maybe allowing movement based on arrow-key input
Had this planned for a while and the scaffolding is already there.
Opening one menu doesn't close others that are already open. eg; open rmb menu then lmb/inventory menu
Thought I had this sorted, opened a bug for this one too.
Whew, that was a lot to address. Keep an eye on new versions as I move forward with addressing these concerns.
Thanks again for the feedback :)