- random ctd when clicking use on axe. No repro. Happened only once after many deaths
- unnecessary restart-computer prompt after install
- Game screen flashes up for one tick when going from death screen to main menu
- duplicate rmb menu options when you have more than one of each item (eg; collect two planks, rmb on water, shows two options for 'create platform'
- Dying in water is annoying
- Probably shouldn't allow navigation to an undiscovered tile
- Cool line of sight mechanic
- Spike traps confusing - can get away with stepping on only one?
- Maybe allow for binding items to a key/mouse-button?
- Double-click mechanic for item-pickup would be great... and possibly for using an equipped item...
- Maybe allowing movement based on arrow-key input
- Opening one menu doesn't close others that are already open. eg; open rmb menu then lmb/inventory menu