Originally Mino Hotel was a "quest", which is a story format wherein the "Quest Master"/QM starts a story and then lets the readers pick what should happen next. You can think of it as the contemporary and online equivalent of a cozy night of storytelling by a bonfire, surrounded with a small group of engaged readers.
The story back then was many times shorter. Asterion and the MC's relation advanced very quickly (far too quickly to be realistic) and the story was very openly erotica. I was also taking character suggestions from the readers, which made the tone bounce around a bit depending on which guests I put in.
I'm very proud of the quest. I think it was a good piece of writing given its context and limitations, and given what it was trying to accomplish. But I no longer recommend people read it for a few reasons. First, it does spoil some things and I think it'll feel better if people only play the game. Second, I think most people like Mino Hotel for the kind of writing we stick to, and the quest was majorly a piece of erotica — things were very different tonally, shockingly so.
The third reason is the biggest one for me: it's because the quest wasn't only the story's text. There was a context to it — the fun conversations we had in the thread, the ideas people threw around, the little in-jokes, what people requested or were opposed to... It was very much a little social experience, and that's just impossible to be glimpsed from the text alone.
In that sense, I think the text of the Quest is only half of the story, and the experience of the Quest is just impossible to reproduce outside of its original context. Because of that, nowadays I think reading it is just not worth it, it'll probably disappoint people.
I do think about making a big devlog laying these changes side by side, by the way... It's just that we can only do that after we go through some plot points, otherwise it would be very spoiler-y.