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The menu has some bugs. So I'm not able to enter settings and when I click [ESC] then the game somehow starts without a player. 

It sounds like you run in the same problem as I did MANY times this year: underestimating the effort of your project. But it already has implemented the theme in relevant way and I like really the idea behind the game. For me it is hard to come up with stories and what you have in mind sounds really good. So keep it going!

Also good work on the art/animations. I think it is on purpose that you can not go back nor jump. At first it was a little bit strange but I somehow like the idea. Along with your arm you really have to plan your route (which makes totaly sense for a game with puzzle-elelments). 

Besides that it is also really impressiv that you did this with your own engine. I can imagine that this means a lot of extra work. But I find it really cool that you do so - and I'm pretty sure you can learn a lot by going this way. 

So yes: the game feels feels unfinished - but what you've created in such a short time is really good! Therefor again: keep it going, stay with the project and in some month you have a really cool and fun game :-)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your kind consideration.  I will do my best to build a better version quickly.  Well done finding the menu bug. ;)  It is a flaw in the system i still need to fix...