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A jam submission

Vagrant StriderView game page

Hack, Slash, & Chomp ur way thru a Puzzle Platformer Action RPG about Rebirth!
Submitted by chizel9000 — 9 minutes, 35 seconds before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Theme Relevance#213.2783.278

Ranked from 18 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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i really love the game (have taken the considration that its made IN YOUR own made engine WICH is amazing really!) 
it is buggy a bit  but u've really taken a flex on coding with this


Wait til next version!  ;D


The menu has some bugs. So I'm not able to enter settings and when I click [ESC] then the game somehow starts without a player. 

It sounds like you run in the same problem as I did MANY times this year: underestimating the effort of your project. But it already has implemented the theme in relevant way and I like really the idea behind the game. For me it is hard to come up with stories and what you have in mind sounds really good. So keep it going!

Also good work on the art/animations. I think it is on purpose that you can not go back nor jump. At first it was a little bit strange but I somehow like the idea. Along with your arm you really have to plan your route (which makes totaly sense for a game with puzzle-elelments). 

Besides that it is also really impressiv that you did this with your own engine. I can imagine that this means a lot of extra work. But I find it really cool that you do so - and I'm pretty sure you can learn a lot by going this way. 

So yes: the game feels feels unfinished - but what you've created in such a short time is really good! Therefor again: keep it going, stay with the project and in some month you have a really cool and fun game :-)

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank you for your kind consideration.  I will do my best to build a better version quickly.  Well done finding the menu bug. ;)  It is a flaw in the system i still need to fix...

Submitted (1 edit) (+2)

This game has potential! I really like the beginning cutscene, it is such a cool part of your game. Visuals are decent, it can still be improve. Gameplay sure  is laggy, both the movement and combat of the player as well as the enemies. Sound Design complements your game. I don't really understand why you give us so many livesb ut I know for sure that it is part of your idea for the theme. In conclusion, it is a fun and exciting game that still has room for improvement . Congrats!

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

Thank You for playing my game!    I will let you know when the next version is released. :)  


Hi, chizel9000.

The artwork of the game, specially for NPCs and player is good, i loved how animations interact with player actions. Nice work there.

I liked the music and story too.

But i found some issues that affect the gameplay:
1-The size of the screen affects the player's position.
2-Enemies do me no damage.
3-I can jump infinitely.
4-I can't go back.
5-It is weird how if i pass enemies position in the X axis, enemies go backwards without flipping the sprite.

But you did something in the Jam that few did, you created your own engine, so don't be discouraged and keep polishing it, it is understandable that these errors existed when the game was made like this. Especially if it is a jam.


I took a road less traveled as it were.  Thank You for sharing with me your thoughts on my "game".   I will let you know when a more complete version of both game and engine are available.  Perhaps you can re-evaluate things then...

Deleted 3 years ago

Once the engine is more mature hopefully I can put down some more complete jam titles.  Thank you for taking the time to share feedback w me.  Keep an eye out for an updated version of the game and engine SOON!


Great animations, aesthetics, and music! The attack and walk animations are particularly great, especially with the cape flapping back. I also appreciated that this game had a story behind it, with the initial cutscene and how that's integrated with your attacks relating to your alignment.

Though I do admit that I had to read through the other comments to figure out what was going on, as my first time through I had went to Heaven and then kept responding there, thinking that I had messed up somewhere. While the gameplay can definitely be improved, overall this is a great submission especially considering that this was your own engine and all of this was within a week. Great job man!


Thank you so much!  I am so happy you were able to experience the game as intended (somewhat...).  Spent the most time of everything besides code, on that sprite sheet (and trying to understand tile art and level data).  I wanted to and will eventually have a short animated intro with camera pans and zooms.  The story is pretty much done, but I will try to expound within game dialogue and events when the full build is being made.  I plan on making use of the duality of the attack dynamics in coordination with level data and design that should lead to a pretty nifty player experience.    Should hopefully be able to play that version a few months down the road, iff all goes well.


Having the duality of the attacks affect the level design sounds really interesting - you could have the play style change depending on your alignment sorta like Infamous, where your attacks are different depending on if you were good or evil. In any case, looking forward to seeing your progress - hit me up if you want someone to test your game, and I'll do my best to help out!


I love the protagonist/enemy art, but the gameplay itself seems incredibly unfinished, not sure if something loaded wrong but by the looks of the animated screenshot the things I experienced like walking over the heads of the enemies is normal.


Yes, a shame things didn't go quite as planned, and as a result gameplay is ....working?  (XD)  It is a young engine with a good heart, but has much to learn.  Once its more mature, the focus can turn towards ARTwork!  and visual FX!  I hope you will check out the updated version down the road.  :)  I promise it will have legit gameplay.  This one is basically the Alpha.


Really enjoyed your artwork in this game. The animations were really nice too. I appreciated the background story as well. Solid submission.


Thank You.  Art is my forte, but try to do it all.  If I could find another coder who could help me, mmmmhh.  That would be something.  Spent a long time perfecting the engine's animation as well as learning how to animate a good sprite sheet.  Actually kind of winged the story, but gave it as much thought as I could while building the game.  It all started from that initial title image...   can't wait to develop the engine so I can build the full version of the game.


The animations of the characters really smooth - especially the attack visual effect! Seriously, I'm in awe with how smooth and fluid the frames are! WOW! ㅇ ㅁ ㅇ!! I also liked the "Hell" map you began to put in, a different vibe from the normal world! 


Did you make it to Heaven?


There's the option of Heaven?! I didn't know!!


I updated the description on the game page with some instructions...


i didn't get the plot, but the music is really good! the artwork is also pretty decent and it sticks to the theme of rebirth, the gameplay is kind of confusing, couldn't figure out that attacking changes your alignment, but it was fairly fun!


I updated the game page w/ game lore & plot exposition & behind the dev look @ project goals.  Thanks for playing and commenting!  Hopefully my update will resolve the mystery of the game. ;)


Beautiful pixel art and animations. The characters and enemies were gorgeous. It seems like you can bypass most of the level by repeatedly pressing the jump key. Beautiful music, some sfx would have been really awesome as well. It was a bit counter-intuitive how using your arm changed the player's alignment, I feel like this could be a great idea for a puzzle platformer. Great job!

Developer (2 edits)

You are too kind.  In the next version I hope to extend the mechanics of the puzzle aspect more into the level design.  But first need to get the camera working properly so that levels can have a larger initial layout.  This current ver. uses a static build that I hacked into acting like a camera would...  If I had been able to use the first few days more effectively and not trying to figure out team stuff, then there would have been SFX as well as a few other niceties.  SFX was the very next thing on the todo list before the deadline hit me like a wall of bricks.


I love the character design XD. Although I noticed a bug where you can fly by spamming spacebar, the story was extremely well-made. Also, music was incredible and an joy to listen to.  

Developer (3 edits)

Thank you so much.  I do enjoy character design quite a bit.  I am glad you enjoyed it so much.  Time ran out  before I could finish the jump logic...    I am glad you like the story!  The 4 pieces of music I made turned out pretty good for spending a total of 2 hours on them.  Mdcrow and Niall, the musicians on my team,  did a wonderful job on the pieces they created.  <Heaven -by Mdcrow  & Title Screen & Intro Scene -by Niall >