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Tomate Salat

A member registered Mar 29, 2020 · View creator page →

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Lol - couple of days ago I also checked out that game again xD. May one day I will make a remake of it (but without the play-time-achievement).

Thank you very much for your support :-). I never was happy with the game I made using the assets and so I for sure can tell: your game already looks more fun than my. You definitvly went for the better game approach =). 

Thanks for the feedback. The game is actually HEAVILY inspired by my neighbour. Actually he again did some constructions while I was thinking about the topic -.-. 

And also I like to hear that you see there more potential in it. Because I want to continue working on it as a serious long-term-project. Because I think: many have these kind of neighbours and at least to me it was satisifying to imagine that this really would be his appartement :D.

Wanted to give the game a try - but I don't have a controller. Tried with keyboard but I couldn't find any keymaps explained. 

So I unfortunately can't give any feedback to the game (I also haven't give any rating because I think that wouldn't be fair to your game). Therefor just a tip for your next jam: have first-level-support for (mouse+)keyboard for your game. 

Thanks for your feedback. Unfortunately there wasn't enough time for me to introduce sound. And for the idea to work the movement has to be so slow - but for the idea to work the appartement would have required more things. So I get your point and for the current state of the game you're right. But making him faster would make the "running" useless - which means: even less content. Therefor it had to stay that way.

Thank you. Yes due to time pressure (and missunderstanding of jam-end-date) I had to cut a lot of corners. But people so far seems to like the concept which is valuable to me because I want to continue working on the game.

I like the simple art style and the puzzles really creative :). But I really missed being able to sprint. So ways felt too long. 

Also it would be cool if there were multiple solutions to puzzles. In one of the levels I carried both items with me. Meaning: taking one, move a couple of meters, drop and get the other one, REPEAT. There the long ways were really painfull. I knew which item would do the job but I wanted to know if the other one would work as well.

You are fully right with the sound. But unfortunately I just weren't having the time to add those. Well the sprinting should be just sprinting with the downside of producing noise. Which (if you do too long) will eventually increase the bar on the top (which is about: if full then the neighbour will wake up).

Interessting idea. I first thought "why do I need to play 2. Can't I just put one in the middle and defend with the other". Well - no, I can't. 

So the idea of matching colors is pretty cool - but also took me a while to sort it in my head. But once done I got used to it (and it didn't take too long). 

You did a very good job in communicating by colors how the rules are. Friendly fire, what is dangerous to what and golden hearts for being universal. All understandable without having the need to read something first. 

Overall a pretty nice game :)

Thank you for the feedback. Yeah I'm not a native speaker and I was really in a hury this morning to get the game "jam-releasable". Yeah the graphics also would require a lot of work. Also there are no animations nor effects (I really would have needed some more hours ^^). 

The theme was used in the way that you teach your neighbour that he isn't alone. And that he shouldn't behave like no one else is living in the house. When I found that idea I actually thought about having a cut-scene making that more clear. But I think that  anyway was overambitioused ^^.

I really like the implementation of the theme. The companion is doing really a lot for you and also he is an important part of the gameplay.

The graphics are well made and the enemies are very creative ^^. I would like the graphics more if there would be shadows. 

The game itself kept me going for a while because it was fun to dash around and kill the waves. But it would be nice to have more motivation for continuing. Like upgrades or at least having a wave-counter. 

But besides that it is a really nice game with a great use of the theme :-)

I really liked exploring the station and finding out what to do. Well done on the sticky notes - they were really helpfull (even if I ignored some :D). 

Most I've enjoyed the minigame were you have to adjust the "message-receiver" (pretty good work on the monitor!). While it is easy to figure out to which system the message should go - it is hard to find it in space ^^. 

While the game kept me pretty long ingame I miss a replay-value. And also some feedback if the message was correctly would be nice. 

Overall this was a nice peaceful game with a lot of cool details :-) 

Nice idea with the orbital rocks. Also I like the idea that the player has to search for the rock he just bought. 

But it would be also good if the player could heal. It seems like there are boxes all over the place. Would be nice if I could destroy them and have a chance that an heart will drop. 

While I liked the music in the beginning it was too repetive over time. I think something more decent would be better. 

But overall a nice idea and the game kept me playing for some rounds :-). Wanted to turn myself into Saturn but somehow failed ^^

You are totally right. I just ran out of time otherwise there would be sound in it. Music/Sound-Effects are really important

This is really a risky way of implementing the theme. I nearly missed it but then read the description here and got it. So I guess you will receive some negative votes on the theme because not everyone get it. But I've to admit: the idea behind is pretty cool!

The game looks really polished. Art and Music are really nice. But I'm struggling hard with the controls. It took a while to get why the double jump is usefull (in the beginning I just only jumped up and wasn't able to change directions). After getting the idea behind it I was able to also come to the stage were you can manipulate the map ... and the players location :D. I just moved the block under my player and then he was standing on it. So I cheated some meters^^. 

Overall the game is in a really good shape. The controls are too challanging for me but tbh: I'm also not the target group here. I only play platformers here on jams. And I could imagine that some are enjoying harder controls. 

Nice idea for the theme. Having a team definitvely fits the theme. Also the game is pretty intuitive and it is clear what to do. 

For the gampelay it is not ideal that mails overlap each other. I think an easy solution to get rid of that would be to limit the amount of incoming mails + having fixed spots were they can spawn. In order to keep the randomness you could add an offset to that location. Then you could spawn mails based on the available slots. 
Another (maybe more complex) way would be that the player could push around the letters. 

The graphics are working and definitvly fine for a jam but of course here is also space to improve. Nice looking graphcis can add a lot to the athmosphere. 

Overall a nice game and you did a good job on the music part :-)

Nice game idea. The companion is really nice way of implementing the theme. Also I like the graphics very much. The characters and env-art is really good. But compared to that the floor is boring.

I like the system how you've implemented the skills. Turning it into a minigame while slowing down the enemies is really a nice mechanic and allows playing around with different tactics. One thing which you could improve here would be to have a auto-fire on basic-attack while the mouse button is pressed. 

Overall the game could explain more the player. So it took some time to figure out that my companion is also the shop. Then in the shop it would be good to see which spell is selected + the costs. I first wanted to have some description of the spells but I also enjoyed finding out what certain spells will do. So I think it is ok to let the player explore the spells instead of presenting everything. 

The game kept me in for some rounds. So good work :-) 

I find the implementation of the theme too weak. But I have enjoyed the graphics very much. The style is consistent and the effects are really satistifing. So the scene setup is really nice. 

I could imagine some dark/cellar-like sounds and upgrades would be nice. May the enemies could spawn in waves and the player can decide between random upgrade-options. 

Also some variations of the enemies would be nice. Like stronger ones which require more damage (may indicated by different color. E.g.: they start with yellow, first bullet hit turns them green, next bullet hit kills them). 

In order to increase the difficulty you also could manipulate the arena. Like letting obstacles or traps appear. 

Thank you. More interaction was planned but I haven't looked properly for the deadline. So I thought I would have at about 8 more hours so. Therefor I had to cut corners to get the game finished. But I like the concept and since longer I'm looking for a long-term-project. I think I will give this game a try. 

E.g.: there are rooms you can't enter. Planned was that you can unlock them and also destroy things like the TV and so on. 

But nvm. Thats the nature of jams :-). 

That is a really polished game and it runs incredibly good on web. I like that you did a cut-scene in the beginning which also expresses the base gameplay mechanic very well.

I also find it very interessting that you use batteries like "bullets". In general I like the whole idea how you have designed monsters. They are hard to spot - but not too hard. They make you feel uncomfortable but it always feels kind fair. 

I'm not a horror-game-player. So it is hard for me to give any advices in that direction. But to me this game looks pretty solid. If I were you I would think about putting that on steam. 

I like the game idea very much. I didn't read the description (or title) properly and so I died early. But even without having read it I directly got: the shadow is important. So the game is really intuitive in that regards. 

Unfortunately I don't get how to solve the second level. I only can switch over to become another shadow but don't know how to get back. And when you stick your two shadows together they also somehow become immortal ^^. So I had to reload the page in order to restart. 

So one thing you could add would be a restart button - or at least having a shortcut for it (like [R] restarts the level). 

Overall pretty good idea and I like how you used the theme. I spend a lot of time thinking about how to use it. But that isn't even close to any entry of my list ^^. 

Thanks. I had to cut a lot of corners - but I somehow made it :)

I started on thursday and thought the jam will be 10hrs longer. Not sure if I can finish my game :-/

(1 edit)

Ok. So you rage against scratch-users because they are too lazy to learn a "real game engine" and then you deliver ... this?!

Art is a complete mess No music Footstep-Sounds but no gun-sounds?  Obviously never dev-tested (it was too easy to find a spot were enemies can't reach me anymore) Enemies are just capsules Why do I have to select a weapon first? Being not armed makes no sense. 

and my personal favorite: UI. It is a perfect example of how to not do an UI. 

Really nothing fits together in your game. Not even the name makes sense: 

1. Zomie Apocalypse? I haven't seen one. It is more a Capsuel Apocalypse. 
2. 3072 - guess that should be the year. But there is absolutley nothing futuristic in it. 

Seriously: I've played scratch games which are far better than this here.

Wow. Calm down! Based on the rules you don't have to use a game engine at all. And actually it is not your business what people are using for creating their games. 

You don't like scratch? Thats fine. Calling others idiots because they do like scratch - thats not fine. Just don't play their games, but stop puting hate on them. Itch is not the place for such a kindergarten. So please overthink your behavior. 

The game is awesome and it looks really pollished! The game instantly picks up the player and it makes fun stealing the tanks. While searching a tank the destroyable world fills also those section very well. 

One thing which could be approved: don't send the player back to main menu screen. May give him the chance to just start another game by picking up another tractor. 

On TeamSeas-Page I could read that they want to become asked if one is using their logo and so on (which I can totally understand). Therefor I'm not sure and somehow I don't want to bother them + I have no idea how long it can take until they answer. Therefor I went on with a logo which is just the wave itself:

(also this version works better on the low-res-textures that I've created. The real logo was really pixelated)

(1 edit)

I'd like to add Team-Seas-Logo on my assets - but I'm not sure if I'm allowed to do that. So can I use it? If not - may we can use the jams-logo?

(I also thought about taking the logo and making some changes to it - so that it isn't 1:1 the original logo. But not sure if I can get away with that ^^)

The menu has some bugs. So I'm not able to enter settings and when I click [ESC] then the game somehow starts without a player. 

It sounds like you run in the same problem as I did MANY times this year: underestimating the effort of your project. But it already has implemented the theme in relevant way and I like really the idea behind the game. For me it is hard to come up with stories and what you have in mind sounds really good. So keep it going!

Also good work on the art/animations. I think it is on purpose that you can not go back nor jump. At first it was a little bit strange but I somehow like the idea. Along with your arm you really have to plan your route (which makes totaly sense for a game with puzzle-elelments). 

Besides that it is also really impressiv that you did this with your own engine. I can imagine that this means a lot of extra work. But I find it really cool that you do so - and I'm pretty sure you can learn a lot by going this way. 

So yes: the game feels feels unfinished - but what you've created in such a short time is really good! Therefor again: keep it going, stay with the project and in some month you have a really cool and fun game :-)

WOW - thank you very much for the video. It is really interessting to see how people are playing your game the very first time :-). This is really cool =)

Wow! I think this is just the best game jam game I've ever played!

The only thing I miss is a settings-menu. So that you can adjust the volume. 

But besides that it looks like you could throw this game as it is on steam and people would buy it. One more: I would change the jump to the [spacebar]. I'm playing on a german keyboard and the [z] and [y] keys are swapped. Fornutately your game is smart enough to notice that. While the UI shows [z] I did jump with [y]. 

Well - for me it wouldn't be a suprise if you win this jam. Because you really did an awesome job and the game would deserve it!

Cool game idea. The instructions were well written and it is fun to put the body together. Also the mechanic of the falling parts is really nice so that the player has to catch them. Makes you feel good when you are fast enough :-)

But I really missed some background audio - and a background in general. I guess you just run out of time here. 

May I have overread it - but in the first round I didn't got how to "submit" a body. I thought once finished it the ghost will take it. Also some feedback would be nice. I didn't got any differnce if I was doing a body like requested or not. Also a timer and scoring-system would be something I'd like to see in the game.

But as I said in beginning: overall it is really cool game idea. I like the art and you really should continue working on the game :-)

Btw: nice cover image. When I saw I wanted to play the game and the content was about what I was expecting. So also good job at this one :-)

Thank you for the nice feedback :-)

I've never thought about obstacles or different levels. But I think that could be really interessting =). Because of the simple controls I also thought that it might be a candidate for the app store. Well - I'm not sure if the port would be worth it. My last games weren't that attractive there and I think it also doesn't help that I stop very early with providing updates (afaik the store-algorythm don't like abandoned apps :-P)

Yes in regards of having some challange I've already thinking about it. Actually it was planned to make the AI harder over time (so increasing Actions/Seconds). But I just run out of time. So may this come with a future update :-)

Thank you very much for your feedback :-). Cool that you mention the cube-animations. I'd no time for creating proper models - so I wanted to give those cubes some "character" :-P. Thought that will make them somehow "cuter". 

Also thanks for trying to break the game. It is always good news when people fail doing so =]

Very interessting pick of the theme. This is a really nice sumlator that you've created. I thought I could stop the fire by spamming rain. Well clicking them too often so that the clouds turn black wasn't that helpful :-P. 

You did very well on the effects - specially when everything is burning it looks really dramatic. Also I like the how-to-play. The game is explained very well also with images. Thats really good!

One thing that I would add is a settings menu so that the player can control the audio. 

So I'd say you did a really good job here. 

Very cool game! I was really impressed right from the start. The game onboards the player perfectly and it is really fun to play. Also really good work on the controls! 

I like the art style and the music fits perfectly. Also it is really helpfull that you highlight the body the player is going to possess. This is really helpfull once the bodies are close to each other. 

But I also found some bugs: 

1. there is one level (don't remember the number) where you have to collect 2 keys. If the player collects the keys first then he can't win the game. Because the first door consumes both of it. 

2. in the level where the wizard was introduced I couldn't reach him. Once the armored one was on the spikes in front of the wizard I couldn't leave this trap. So I decided to not go for the wizard at all. 

Also there are some levels which have more bodies than needed. Or another level had 2 keys but only one keyed door. I tried to find an easter egg but not sure if there is one. 

But bugs can happen (specially in a jam). One thing you could add to the game would be a "replay level" button in pause-menu and when the level has been completed. I would have made use of it :-P. 

Overall a really good game! I enjoyed the puzzles and had a lot of fun with it. This game definitively deserves more ratings! 

I like the art and the audio. But I don't really get what I have to do in that game. I just always die. After some time I figured out that I can find a weapon - but that doesn't help me that much. I tried it as warrior, assassine and as mage. With the mage I could survive the longest. But I really don't get how to escape this room. 

It also feels unfair that I can't dodge the enemies. Ones one is close to me I'm more or less dead. If I use rmb he just moves with me. Also I don't really understand what happens after you die. Are the stats in that case become randomized? Or do I loose points? 

The game should inform the player more. Also in regards what those attributes mean. I would assume

strength: health
agility: move speed
intelligence: mage-power

But why should I skill intelligence as warrior/assassine? So I'm not sure if my assumeption is right. May you could also display those stats somewhere. 

You were able to build up a pretty nice atmhosphere which really makes me wanna progress in that game. I'm not sure if I'm just too stupid to use the "bright door" or if I can't find the key. I thought that I have to fight enemies - but they never dropped something. 

So please make the game at the beginning more easy. For me it is really too hard and I really want to see the other rooms + follow the story.

Let's see what future updates will bring. I now follow you and added the game to my collection. Then maybe one day I will escape the vault :-)