Thank you for the feedback and kind words!
Some of these are (obviously) easier than others, but I can see why they’d be useful.
Syntax obfuscation
This one is a lot of work! I understand the desire, but it does mean adding lot of wysiwyg toolbars, or having displaying your text as markdown when your cursor moves near it. I find that behavior really distracting, and makes cursor movement really unpredictable.
It’s probably the only way to make a markdown editor useful to non-markdown folks though.
Markdown engine
Like most editors, Deepdwn uses a superset of markdown. What features are you expecting from MultiMarkdown’s implementation that don’t exist in Deepdwn?
Web publication
API integration is out of scope for Deepdwn right now. I’m trying to make it as independent from third party services as possible, mostly for maintenance reasons.
Similarly, a built-in FTP client is not currently planned.
Image previewing
Showing all images in the explorer would be nice, but obviously the UI isn’t set up for it (at all) currently. It might be possible in the future if that changes. I’ll keep it in mind.
Image paths
I agree. This is a limitation in exporting right now. I’d like to improve it for sure, but I think it will require pretty complicated UI to do it right, for example having some kind of path export preferences on a per-folder basis. :(
I’ve thought about this a lot, but haven’t settled on a good way of doing it. If Deepdwn was subscription based, it would be easier, but selling a DRM-free application adds some challenges. Stripping features is no fun.
A no save/no load version might work, but would be easy to circumvent, and wouldn’t be a great experience for users who are interested.
Export format
- Textbundle - great idea
- Zip - Sure, though I guess you could zip these yourself. I think the problem here is if you refer to images in relative paths above the markdown file. I could rewrite those paths, but that can cause collisions with other files… it’s tricky :D
- epub - Would be nice, but would require Deepdwn to act as a full featured document publisher. I think this will be better left to dedicated tools.
- Jpeg - Already planned!
I really appreciate the feedback, and I hope that I can get you at least some of these in the future :D