I have several feature resquest in mind and I guess none of them are trivial to do.
Syntaxe Obfuscation (or styling)
Not everyone's cup of tea but it would allow to merge the preview windows with the editor itself.
- Obfuscation would hide the markdown syntax completely and render its effect in realtime. The complexity would come from image, diagrams and Co. Some other editor add a little clickable icon or a popup window when the user click on the item, to modify the code.
- Styling would ... well ... style the syntax in a discrete way while rendering its effect in realtime. The complexity around images and other special items would be the same than obfuscation, though,
Markdown Engine
I don't know what parser you use for Deepdwn, if it's one of the common one (parsedown, commonmark, etc) or if you've build your own but I wonder if it would be possible to select or install differents parser, like Ghostwriter do it.
The idea behind this feature is that a lot of Markdown editor on iOS and Mac use MultiMarkdown, a long time Apple-plateform only parser, but now available on windows.
Allowing users to install another parser would be good for compatibility **but** not for fonctionnalities as each parser have their own way to support this or that features (markdown became quite a mess XD).
Web Publication / FTP
Usually, it means Wordpress and Ghost API integration as Markdown Editor are mostly use for web publication and those plateform are the most popular. But, some just needs only the raw .md file to be uloaded on a server and done (that's my case because I like static CMS the most)
So in addition to those API integration, Deepdwn could have a *simple* built-in FTP client.
Image viewer / explorer
For now, if there's a folder containing images, those don't show up in Deepdown's explorer. It would be great is Deepdown could show images, display a preview and able to rename them.
Image alternate URL/Path at export
This one is a feature taken from Ulysse and one I like a lot.
It allows to set an alternate path or Url when exporting a file. For exemple :
- I put an image in my file. The path is `assets/image.jpg`
- This file will be uploaded on my website and my images are located in `https://mysite/blog/assets/`
- I can set up this URL as the alternative export URL for that image in Deepdown
- When I export (and that means to be able to export in ... markdown as well XD) I can tell Deepdown to use the alternative URL for the images.
- I'll then have to upload the images at the same location on my server.
This feature could be also useful to export a file to another location on your HDD, using another hierarchy.
Of course it implies quite a headache for you with absolute or relative links management, auto folder creation and others things.
Absolute link for URL, and relative Path for local export, maybe. Images management have always been a pain with markdown XD
I talk about Deepdwn around me but a lot of returns I got is they would like to test the editor before buying.
I don't know what kind of business model you could go for in that case, though. A feature-strip down model won't give justice to the amazing work you did and a time constraint one implies some infrastructure to setup on your side.
Maybe something like zRythm (save and load are locked, unlocked binaries are charged) or ... open source it : free if you compile the soft yourself, paid if you want a binaries ?
Export format
I'd love to see some other format like :
- textbundle
- Zip
- epub
- Jpeg
And I'd add without a Pandoc installation would be better XD
But that has already been requested :D
Aaaaand that wrap it.
Pretty long, huh. Of course, I have no doubt you know what you are doing and I'd understand perfectly if none of those features won't make it.
The way you handle tables in the last update, thinking how will behave non-latin characters just blow me off and I was like "ok, they know what they are doing".
Keep up the good work.