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Damnit! This game is just amazing! So much fun while playing as a single pixel trying to climb up random boxes of one of four colors! So freaking simple I am jealous!! The little music score with the game fits perfectly and, for me at least, it catchy as hell! There is virtually nothing I could suggest that would make this better. I would even venture to suggest that this could be released for, say, the Switch and it would sell, as is, like crazy!

That said, the only real suggestion I could give is, adjust the level generation in such a way as there’s a guaranteed path to the top. The path doesn’t have to be obvious and, to the user, it would still look completely random, but under the hood there should be a calculation that the player definitely has at least one path from top to bottom. This path wouldn’t need to be calculated in full. I’m not sure how high your end goal is, but assuming it’s something like 1024 pixels high, you could generate the level such that, for every 64 pixels, the system checks to make sure there’s a path from the bottom of the level to the top of the chunk you’re currently generating.

I only suggest this because, to loose a level because I made the wrong choice, or I was crushed or burned is one thing. To loose because the level was generated in a way where there was just no way to win it totally another.

Oooo… one other idea is maybe have a “height” tracker. With 64x64 pixels that might not be enough resolution, but as a non-jam addon, you can add a higher resolution UI that simply give you, as the player, your highest point achieved!

Still, though… even as completely random as the game is currently, it’s amazingly fun!!! Bravo!!


This is unbelievably positive feedback, and it made my day receiving it (both on your stream and reading this comment)! This is the first "complete" game I've made, and I was definitely aided by choosing a very simple premise with no pixel art. There's no way I would have come close with a hex tactics game, for instance ;)

 Haha 1024 pixels high was a very solid guess, it's 512 (gotta love powers of two).

I completely agree that guaranteeing a path would be the way to go (maybe with the addition of some time-based element like rising lava), since right now the optimal strategy is staying as high as possible, but I found that I had the most fun catching up after falling behind.

Thanks again <3