Since I cannot use Google Cloud Disk, I can only take up a relatively large space to explain the situation. I hope that the moderator will not be angry.
I need to bother you again. The following is the content in the json file. You can copy it and test it. I believe you will find the problem.
When the target is killed, the exit is prompted to evacuate, but the exit is not displayed on the map.
"Data": {
"EnableExits": {
"$and": [{
"$eq": ["$5b708b8e-0550-46f7-bb65-8dc180d9bcf5", "Completed"]
"EnableSaving": true,
"Objectives": [{
"Id": "5b708b8e-0550-46f7-bb65-8dc180d9bcf5",
"IgnoreIfInactive": true,
"ObjectiveType": "custom",
"Image": "images/contracts/AssRace/AssRaceTarget.jpg",
"BriefingName": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",
"BriefingText": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",
"LongBriefingText": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck",
"DisplayAsKillObjective": false,
"HUDTemplate": {
"display": "Eliminate Arnold Terman By Snapping His Neck"
"Category": "primary",
"Primary": true,
"Type": "statemachine",
"Definition": {
"Scope": "session",
"Context": {
"Targets": ["8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]
"States": {
"Start": {
"Kill": [{
"Condition": {
"$and": [{
"$eq": ["$Value.RepositoryId", "8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]
}, {
"$eq": ["$Value.KillMethodBroad", "unarmed"]
"Transition": "Success"
}, {
"Condition": {
"$eq": ["$Value.RepositoryId", "8213f8ef-858f-41cc-88ff-a4715ef4ccac"]
"Transition": "Failure"
"Bricks": [],
"GameChangers": [],
"Entrances": ["88f47eb3-d914-46d9-99aa-6fb848964c7c"],
"GameChangerReferences": [],
"GameDifficulties": [],
"SimulationQualities": [],
"MandatoryLoadout": []
"Metadata": {
"Id": "68b38714-a065-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130006",
"IsPublished": true,
"CreationTimestamp": "2015-07-02T15:18:30.1639035+02:00",
"CreatorUserId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000",
"Title": "The Satu Mare Delirium-Level 3",
"Description": "",
"TileImage": "",
"CodeName_Hint": "Polarbear Module 002_B",
"ScenePath": "assembly:/_PRO/Scenes/Missions/Edgy/mission_fox/scene_fox_cornflower.entity",
"Location": "LOCATION_EDGY_FOX",
"LastUpdate": "2015-03-11T13:50:08.347Z",
"Type": "featured",
"Release": "1.0.x"
"UserData": {}