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Wow! I love your take on the theme and I think you nailed the sound design and atmosphere. Making a game in complete darkness sounds next to impossible to me, and you managed to pull it off so well! However...

I think that the echolocation-cooldown could be a little shorter. Either that or increasing the area affected because right now I found myself taking a step, then checking for dangers, taking a step, then checking for dangers, and so on.

Other then that, the gameplay is unique and really enjoyable.

I really hope that you continue to develop this game.


(1 edit)

Just to exemplify the problem, in the 4th level or so the enemies likely end up on the same platform as you so you have to wait or just keep firing all the time in that level. 

That said I still enjoyed it. I just find the idea of a platformer where you don't even know where YOU are is hard to play.  I think if nothing else the PC should always be visible.

you know.... I don't know why I didn't consider making the player always visible never crossed my mind but I may do that in the next version. Thank you for the feedback, I'll be sure to keep it in mind :D

Glad my feedback could help. 

Feedback should point out what a person thinks is right and wrong with a product. Because of that, I like to tell what I liked and what I disliked with why I disliked it. It may be opinions but sometimes the feel is the most important part.

Thank you for the feedback, I definitely plan on tweaking this one a little more post-jam. The original plan for the echo was for it to essentially shoot a bunch of lines outward that reflect off of the environment and slowly fades out, so it would give a larger but more fragmented view. I want to eventually try that.