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I never ran into the glitch, but ended up not completing this entry.

The concept was fun for a few rooms but ended up getting really repetitive - even after learning your general approach to Reid placement, there were too many areas where you just had no visibility and could get scammed at random, then had to replay the past room(s) again.

For a jam game with this many cheesy gameovers, needed a Save point after every room, IMO.

I'll keep this in mind for future reference. Frankly I knew the visibility thing would be a problem - the game could have been better tested, but I only had one tester - sorry.


Understandable - the game jam format is pretty easy to err on the side of too easy or too difficult as you don't have much time to refine stuff. Plus with perfect knowledge of where everything is it's easy to underestimate the challenge of your own game, from what I've experienced.

One thing I failed to point out, the bits of text from clickables were very well done, and the thing with the doll (was this the game-breaking bug that needed a workaround?) made me chuckle.

I do wish there were more of those moments, but again I get that there's only so much time to get that balance.

(1 edit) (+1)

It is insanely easy to think yer game is simpler than it is. Frankly I wish I had done more testing of the final section in particular (the Cave), but if you only dwell on what you wish you did I guess you'd get no where.

The glitch though - that was where when using a sword and running into a Reid with a predetermined path the game would lock up. I solved this by just having Harold step back if it happened, but in theory if there is a wall/object behind Harold the game would still lock up. Frankly I don't like my solution, but since my test player didn't get to the game finished til late (curse you real life) I was left with that as the quickest option that left the game mostly playable.

Glad you like the clickables. I was gonna have a lot more, but - yeah - like you said - time. They were my favorite part - I loved teasing Harold.