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Fun game! I liked having to prioritize who to shoot first and which shots could take down multiple enemies. I'm glad you didn't destroy the bullets on the first collision. Maybe adding the ability to change directions of rotation would be cool. 

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

Yeah I imagine just letting the bullets destroy 1 enemy at a time would be boring, and would probably make the game too difficult too, considering you don't have direct control over where you're aiming due to the spinning mechanic. I actually started with letting the bullets kill everything on its path, which had similar results (except it made the game too easy), so limited punch-through seems to be a good middle ground. 

I did consider adding the change-direction feature, but I was running out of time and admittedly I panicked so I dropped the idea. Though at the same time I feel like that would give the player a bit too much power, 'cause if you miss you could just press a button to turn back and try to hit the enemy/ies again. I think if more enemy types and hazards are added to the game then the direction-changing mechanic can be added without making the player op.

Thanks for your feedback!