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A member registered Nov 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hi! Thanks for playing the game!

Despite the odds, Blue prevailed, yaaaaay~

I just did a playtest, and realised I forgot to gray out the spells that red/green/blue can't use if they don't have enough mana. That was a massive oversight, thanks for pointing that out! I have uploaded a game update which should fix the bug. (Now Blue has a purpose once again)

Hi there! Thanks for playing the game! I'm glad you liked the title haha :)

That is certainly one way to beat the game. I designed each cube with a role in mind - Red for big damage, green for healing, and blue for MP management and utility. I'd argue Blue is important if you want to win the game quickly, as Red is bound to run out of MP at some point due to Red Comet's high MP cost, and Siphon is the only way to get some MP back. I did a playthrough just now and accidentally let Blue get KO-ed too early (like, in 3 turns), so the game really dragged on for a while.

I think the Siphon spell could use a better design as a MP regeneration spell, but I imagine just making the spell the MP equivalent of Heal or Repair would be too boring/uninteractive, so I went with the current iteration (restore MP based on damage dealt).

I'm glad you enjoyed the game, thanks for playing!

Yeah I imagine just letting the bullets destroy 1 enemy at a time would be boring, and would probably make the game too difficult too, considering you don't have direct control over where you're aiming due to the spinning mechanic. I actually started with letting the bullets kill everything on its path, which had similar results (except it made the game too easy), so limited punch-through seems to be a good middle ground. 

I did consider adding the change-direction feature, but I was running out of time and admittedly I panicked so I dropped the idea. Though at the same time I feel like that would give the player a bit too much power, 'cause if you miss you could just press a button to turn back and try to hit the enemy/ies again. I think if more enemy types and hazards are added to the game then the direction-changing mechanic can be added without making the player op.

Thanks for your feedback!

(1 edit)

Damn I wish I could give this game a 6/5 in visuals. Very aesthetically pleasing with matching music.

The concept is pretty cool as well. Simple controls, hard to master gameplay. And the upgrades are pretty neat too.

I like the colour choices - white and green for player bullets, red and yellow for enemies. The brown bullets are kinda questionable, but it does differentiate uncontrollable bullets from controllable ones.

The little banner animations between levels and at the beginning of the game are also a pretty nice touch, gives the game that polished feel.

A fantastic game!

Edit: I also love the small screen shakes whenever you take damage or damage an enemy. It's that one little thing that would really improve the game feel but is also rather hard to implement.

Very creative concept. With a bit of polishing the game would be very cool. :)

I literally frantically pressed WASD and was wondering why nothing happened while my ship crashes into oblivion. I am a certified loser.

Very cool concept, the music & sfx are on point, graphics look nice and fitting, the game feels polished and complete.

Great work!

Simple but neat, both in concept and presentation.

The game could use a bit more sound effects though imo, like a sfx when moving, or a "ding" sound when the player successfully clear a level would make the game feel much more alive.

Good work :)

Thanks for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed the game!

You're right - the core gameplay is rather simple, so I had quite a few more features planned for the game originally to combat that - for example one that'd allow the player to teleport to a pre-spawned nearby turret if you kill enough enemies, which would make you survive a bit longer. But towards the end I ran out of both time and energy so I had to hustle to get the game out before the deadline haha. (I made the title screen, game over screen, cover art, looked up sound & music, exported the game, set up page, uploaded the game to in 2 hours. Wasn't fun. Not recommend.)

I'm happy to see that you enjoy the health/energy system. I orignially only intended to include health, but then that'd make the player too powerful (full bullet punchthrough) or too weak (no punchthrough) so some restraint must be in place. I tried to increase the reload time between shots, but that makes the game unbearably unresponsive, and, well, there's not much time to add anything complex. So I made the energy bar instead - which I find kinda boring considering a heck ton of games already use that, but it works.

Thank you for your detailed feedback!

Thank you!

Hello, thanks for playing my game!

I'm just throwing ideas here, but try clicking on the game when it finishes loading, I find that solves the spacebar-scrolling-page-down problems most of the time. Though in hindsight it is an oversight from me to not include other options for shooting, so I'll keep that in mind for future projects.

Thanks for your feedback!