bug:sometimes in marsh and sea u can meet monster who invincible for simple attack. - Thats because bug:rogue armor have 89 defence =D
bug:dont closed popup with description of enemy\item\ability after battle\loot screen if u use keyboard button instead of mouse clicking
bug: description for slave spec didnt show for other slaves window in outside
bug:without "fadeanimation check" laboratory dont show up upon current page if this not mansion page.
bug:if u have in backpack lot of item(full page) they who in bottom haveflickering popup
request:add check box for show\hide body image in inspection page - because when looking for suitable for quest slave, their bodyimage overlap slave sheet
also here is a bug:sex with boys(fondle chest and nipssucking) break time limit.
also there is mistakes in one of libraries books. - "History of MankindAt the begining of time..."
in globals.gd: double 'Halfkin Bunny' in gorn and frostfords races
in repeatable_quests.gd: no 'Beastkin\Halfkin Tanuki' in common or rare race(is u just forgot about it?), $himself in quest 001, cirus in quest 018, code = '010', and avoidhusband's in quest 019.
in exploration.gd: eleven land. (mb something else, dont remember =/)
in enchantments.gd: Bonus HP dont working in combat =/
in items.gd and slave_tab check above: rogue armour and relatives
in outside.gd: Sebastian have 'person' instead of 'slave' in origins of requested slave
in combatdata: Old: description = "You come across a rare $race monster $child. $He hasn't spotted you yet. ", steel need coloring D=
also in "deep" locations enemies counting almost always wrong
Here realy fixed relationship: Mega Spend all my day with trying to fix and now finally done =D
insside mansion.gd slave_tab.gd and constructor.gd also with fixed Quick start bug when player id = 0
CRC32: B160B732
MD5: 53F787E76AAA1EDF4B0AD4C1252B9D08
SHA-1: 9EFCC155C2A0309C76ED4B3DE84AD10329595028
unpack in you $gamefolder/mods/
absolutely no need in new game, all working. =3
Update 07.06
When someone sended to vacation, their tab didnt closed, so i can manage their work/inventory/sleep etc. (see screens)
deterrent potion didnt remove sex-crazed
Forgot to mention: with new stress system - captured slave might dead in next day bc: first they have suffer from stress higher than 33, than 66 and in final 99 their health set to 1 and they suffer from damage =/
there also lot of minor bugs and mistakes but i dont remember them all correctly =D
album with bugs(gonna upd reg)
to fix traits sheet in slave descripion add in statspanel.gd:
elif i.tags.find('sexual') <= 0 && i.tags.find('detrimental') <= 0:
text2 = "[color=1]" + text2 + '[/color]'
and change:
text += + text2
text = "$name has trait(s): " + text2
Update 09.06
Sell dude from jail, place anorher dude in jail, buy back dude from jail - ??? - jail overcrowded =D (see screens in imgur album)
Others specialization didnt show correct especially when looking about yourself(i have traper and ranger in group)
Headgirl collect xp too fast. Really.
Really need to swap purchase and cancel button bc after checking first in city quests/slaves - (cancel fortreit accept) accidentally often press accept/purchase when check slaves/quests, and in Slave services too
I dunno why but at least 3 days i didnt recieve full money from slaves work >.<(see log screens from one of days) later i recieve full income