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You are such an RM wizard. I actually got stuck on the credits because I didn't realize it opened a new scene. Extremely cool battle system that I'd love to see as perhaps a side game or something. The visuals are excellent!! Really amazing stuff Manu!

Thanks for playing! Ah the credits should just open a new window, did it make your game freeze? I'm looking to fix that if I'm able to reproduce it.
I plan to make a full small game with that, if you have any suggestions, fixes let me know!


Game didn't freeze. It's just the credits window was so large I didn't know the game was behind it, and I didn't know how to escape. I'm not sure if it would be possible to make the game keyboard only, or do more hotkeys for selecting your own characters. I found the gameplay to basically be click on each character, click their strongest attack, use it, repeat. Having some easier switching (or did I miss it?) to avoid too much frantic mouse movement would be good.

I did see the numbers on the attacks, but didn't see hotkeys for selecting characters or enemies. Maybe enemies could be keyed to numbers as well when an attack is selected? So pressing "3" selects the attack and "2" selects enemy index 2.

Oh okay, I'll put the credits in game then, instead of external window.
I'm sorry for lack of tutorial / explanations ( jam time!! ). Yeah it was meant to be sort of a clicker, and I already put the functionality of selecting other heroes with keyboard in post jam version ( So we just have to click on 'targets' with mouse, not required to move through all screen with mouse now ).
Thanks for suggesting anyway!