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Hi Carlkbh.

How do you refer to this object?

Do you declare it publicly and attach it in Unity or do you find it with a tag or name?

If you wont mind showing us the whole script can help a lot more than just a function.

(1 edit)

i used the eventtricker function

Take a look at the code from the manual.

using UnityEngine; 
using UnityEngine.UI; 
using System.Collections;
public class ClickExample : MonoBehaviour 
  public Button yourButton; // Put your button in here
  void Start () 
    Button btn = yourButton.GetComponent<Button>(); 		
    //When the button gets clicked/pressed it will call TaskOnClick() function below	
  void TaskOnClick()
    Debug.Log ("You have clicked the button!"); 	
I hope this helps.
I've struggled with this same topic a while ago 
and this helps