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Even having watched a play through previously on stream, experiencing this game firsthand just blew me away, from the title screen to the final hyperspace jump.

The setting is perfect: the creepy ambiance of the dark streets and dilapidated buildings; the high-tech neon glow of the business signs; the brutally overpowered weapons and crunchy death animations. Like many have said before, it nailed the Dredd vibe but also touched on a bit of a space-Western theme (Mandalorian etc.) right down to that ending sequence.

And the thing is, I am completely hooked - I want to know what this guy's backstory is, why he's traveling next to [spoiler], and what complications might arise from the events of this story.

Combat is visceral and has a sense of danger especially when your shield goes down. There are just enough skills to offer impactful tactical decision making like whether to take down the hard targets or go for AoE damage, or even play more defensively. I would not have complained if the fights were a bit harder, but for the jam format I can understand wanting to err on the side of approachability.

If I had to mark down anything it would be the awkward transition when mounting the bike, where there's two character sprites for a frame or so.

That aside, it's basically perfect.

I wanted at least an hour more of content at very least and could unquestionably see this turning into a full-scale game.

Well done.


Thanks so much for the kind words, you've given me a serious motivation boost!

It's very likely that I'll start working on the full game once the jam is over, I'll be making an extended version of the demo too. I've got some pretty cool ideas about where to take the story. 

The bike transition was actually really easy to fix, I had just forgotten to activate transparency in the common event.


Oh yeah, I hear that - it's an easy fix and just one of those tedious RM things that's also easy to forget.

(I've never done something similar when making party members join or anything, I swear!)

Definitely looking forward to the extended demo and of course a full version.