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Very nice! I love the goofy as game mechanics - the first time I busted down a door (by accident!) I just about squealed with laughter. It's very fun just absolutely destroying the house. The visual style and the music are also great. I have just a few suggestions that could help improve the game:

Firstly, make the physics even goofier. Make the player's arm really heavy, so the impulse when it smacks into things is really high and they go super far. Increase the gravity on the objects as well, currently they feel kinda floaty, and it would be satisfying for everything to come crashing off the shelf when you knocked it over.

Secondly, fix a few rendering issues. The player's arm should render on top of the world, and the near clip plane of the camera should be closer so we can get nice and personal with the house objects.

Overall it's a nice solid game and probably my favourite one that I've played from this jam! Great work, guys.

(3 edits) (+1)

That's some amazing feedback, thank you!
It seems so obvious now, but the near clipping plane option completely escaped me until you mentioned it.
Everything does seem kind of floaty, doesn't it? I'll fix that too. And the more whacking power, the better!