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A member registered Jul 18, 2017 · View creator page →

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I really enjoyed this game! [SPOILERS] I regret that I rushed through the door at the end. I wish that after turning the lights on I would have gone back to my family. Would I have been able to save them?

Amazing what you did with just 4,000 pixels and two colors :D

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My friend and I have been playing this, it’s been so fun! Thank you for the cool game :)

One question, the description says there are 90 levels, but after the boss fight on level 90 the game continues with new levels. We’re at level 103 now. How many levels are there??

Thanks for the update, I’m looking forward to it :)

Pikwip is currently a prototype that we are developing into a full game.

Any news on when we might see more of this? No updates in almost 2 years is rough :’(

Very good game and I want more!


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Apologies for the bugginess, and for my late reply. I am aware of this issue and a fix is coming in an update soon™. In the meantime, as a workaround, you should be able to fix it by creating a symlink from Server/Server to Server/net7.0/Server.

Edit: this issue has now been fixed :)

This game looks so cool and I really want to play it, but it just won't work for me. It crashes a few seconds after opening, and I never get any kind of graphics, just a blank white window. I'm on Windows 10 and other OpenGL games work fine for me. Would it be helpful to send you my Butter.log?

Please explicitly mark the build as a Windows build in the 'edit game' page, so that it can be installed with the app. Also please consider making builds for non-Windows operating systems :)

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Haha yes, I'm so happy we managed to get both endings in the game! I've never done a game with multiple endings before :D

Thank you for playing!

Coming soon :D

I disagree


Thanks for playing and for the kind words! Yep, you can get stuck there and in a few other places. If that happens you can restart the level with a button in the pause menu, which can be opened with Escape or P

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Arrow keys or WASD to move. You can also use Space to jump if you prefer that to jumping with W/up. Escape or P to pause.

Yes, it works now :D

In the "edit game" page, please explicitly mark the file as a Windows executable. That will improve clarity, and it will also allow us to download and run the game through the app.

Holy cow, how have I not seen this before. This is incredible! Awesome work!

It definitely is in the zip file, here's a fresh download from on Windows:

Logic World uses the same architecture for singleplayer as it does for multiplayer: when you play in "singleplayer", it's actually spinning up a local "integrated server" and then connecting to that. This issue doesn't look like a problem with connecting to the integrated server - rather, the integrated server process is ending for some reason. Just spitballing here, but some antivirus software might be killing the process.

Can you check the  logs folder for a file called log-[timestamp]_server.txt? That file should contain more information about why the server closed unexpectedly.

Apologies for the delay getting back to you, I started typing this comment two days ago but forgot to finish and submit it.

Ah, my mistake and my apologies. I've had a few people ask for help with that stolen version so I'm a little on edge about that particular error message. Now that you've verified your email I can see that you did in fact purchase the game 8 days ago. Thanks for your support :)

Or do you think this is coming from my school's firewall? Does it try to authenticate with a server somewhere??

Logic World is totally DRM-free so this is not the issue. No online connection or authentication is required.

I'm a teacher looking to buy multiple copies for my classroom.

That's awesome! I'm really excited about Logic World in education. I think it can do a lot of good in classrooms. Next year we'll be getting a proper educational licensing system set up. I'd really appreciate hearing your perspective on what that should look like; if you'd like to discuss the future of LW in education, please send me an email (

So, the error: this particular error is caused because a file is missing or corrupted. Please check in the directoryLogic World v0.90.3 - Windows\Logic_World_Data\Managed. There should be a file called ΩLogicWorld.Subassemblies.dll. I expect that somewhere, this file failed to be copied due to the omega in the name. (The omega shouldn't be there, it's an oversight on my part; the filename will be corrected in the future. But for now we have to deal with it.)

If you extracted the game files with the Windows file manager, try instead extracting them with 7-zip, which is a much more comprehensive archive manager. You can also try downloading and installing the game using the app, which should automatically do everything correctly.

Please let me know if one of those solutions works for you.

Nice try. This is the error you get if you download Logic World for free from a sketchy website, because the sketchy website is incompetent and didn't steal the game properly. And I just double checked, your itch account did not buy Logic World here.

I won't be providing support for pirated copies of the game. If you want to play Logic World, buy it.

Sorry to hear about that, let me see if I can help you.

When you're on the infinite loading screen, please press the tilde key (just below escape) to open the debug console. Search for any errors (red messages). If you see one, click on it to copy some information about the error, and then paste that information for me.

Yeah, TUNG is very bad and buggy. Sorry, but we aren't providing support for it.

I encourage you to contact Steam support about your payment issue.

If you want the game on Steam, buy it on Steam. This is the Itch page.

In the future we will sell Steam keys directly through the store, but we haven't launched that yet.

Yep! $12 USD at launch. The price will be raised throughout Early Access as we ship major updates.

Thank you very much! If you're really itching to give us more money you can buy extra copies of the game to give away ;)

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Hello, I'm very sorry I forgot to respond to you earlier.

The announcement was for American summer, but unfortunately we failed to hit that date. Instead, we'll be launching on October 22nd!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I also love that TUNG's only logic component is the inverter. It means that everything is built from the simplest of principles. Zero abstraction makes the circuits so conceptually beautiful.

However, for the sequel -- Logic World -- I've decided to include more high-level components. You get built-in XOR, AND, D-latches and a few others. I thought long and hard about this decision, but ultimately I think it adds more value to the game than it removes. That said, I'm planning to have a 'hardcore' mode which restricts your logic component selection to the TUNG set.

As for shrinking/abstracting boards, I don't want to add this to vanilla. I really like that the game has you building sprawling, building-sized machines where you can walk up to every individual part. However, Logic World has great modding support, and board compression could absolutely be added by a mod.

Thanks for playing, I'm glad TUNG brought you some joy :)

You absolutely could, and indeed many people have!

Thanks so much! I think it will. Logic World is a fantastic game, I'm so proud of it and I'm so excited to get it into your hands.

Making a video game is really hard, and making a good video game is even harder. This is our first major project, and to be honest we were quite naive with some of our old time estimates. But the release absolutely is in sight. We don't want to announce a date quite yet, to avoid our previous mistakes, but the announcement should be coming quite soon.

You can check our development blog on for updates.

This game is so fun! I have a lot of suggestions for it, but I have four suggestions that are low-effort/easy:

  • Use Q/E to fly up/down
  • Press space to pause/resume time
  • Additional mode for dynamite: "detonate on impact"
  • Add a "UI scale" slider. On my 4k monitor, the UI is extremely tiny and hard to use.

Thanks for making a fun game, and an excellent showcase of ECS physics!

This game was cute and funny. Thanks for putting a smile on my face :)

This was really fun. Super cool concept. Challenging but not impossible, which is a tough balance to strike, especially in a jam!

I only have one big complaint: if I press "R" during the the death cutscene, the level resets immediately, but I can't actually control the character until a second or two later (whenthe death cutscene would have ended).  I assume this is a bug, but it was a very annoying bug.

This is your first game on Itch, is it your first game ever? Because if so, that was an extremely impressive debut. Nice work!

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For what it's worth, most Unity game developers agree it's dumb. There's a thread on the Unity forums full of people complaining, with the Unity developers telling us that we don't actually need it, and that we should suck it up and program our own custom keybinding UI for every single game we make.


This game was absolutely delightful! I had a fun and unorthodox solution to Level 15:

Tom, this is fantastic. The character movement is satisfying (although I wish she stayed on the ladder when she stopped climbing), the art and animation are top-notch, and the music is quite charming, despite your excusing. The end screen made me laugh out loud 😄

I hope you make more games in the future :)

The problem isn't your account, it's that you didn't upload the build properly. The error message is very helpful; you didn't include UnityPlayer.dll, and you probably also missed other necessary files.


Logic World will cost $12. Unfortunately we will not have TUNG board/save import.