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Would it be possible to have a layer manager?

(2 edits) (+1)

It does! Unless I'm misunderstanding. You can import multiple layers and edit the order they render in using the eye-icon on the inspector. Is there more functionality you'd like out of it? I definitely need to showcase it better on the itch page.

One feature I was hoping to add, is the ability to see a list of the layers. So you can select them via list instead of clicking directly. Is that what you meant?


Oop yeah thats what I meant! I kept having the issue where one image would take over and it made it hard to edit where the other images should sit on what layer since they kept slipping under it even after I set it as the 0 layer haha.

Thank you!!

This is something I need too. In order to keep the image consistent, I made all the elements of the picture the exact same size, but I can't click them individually. If there was a list to select elements instead, it would be significantly simpler.

Coming in the next update! Coming this weekend.

In the meantime, if you keep your mouse still and click multiple times it'll cycle layers

I found a workaround on the layers, because 5 is not enough for me:

You can number your art to show up in a certain order. But it definetly would be much easier for the user to simply create layers and have a drag & drop to rearrange the order or the files instead of ordering them alphabetically, because its not that easy to fix if you made a mistake naming them.

on this very subject, i'd be cool if it had a way to lock layers! so we're not accidentally moving layers