A very evocative experience! You clearly tried doing the whole Resident Evil tank controls, and labyrinthean design of the PS1 era, and with some aspects you have clearly had success. Alas, i did not manage to finish the game, because my main gripe with it is how every room, despite being filled with lots of stuff does not have any meaning. Why is there a corridor, which lasts 2 seconds, that we will never see again? Why is there so many openable rooms which have nothing of interest in them?
This made me lost and disinterested to continue (even though i liked the hospital room after the chase scene, kinda reminded me of Persona 3). With a bit more focus (and some story, since combat is pretty much nonexistent) this can be a great project to look at! There's definetely potential here, the models all look great, the music and sounds are good, even the chasing before the elevator was great, it's just that the whole experience left me wanting for something that isn't there.
Wish you luck in further development, if there's going to be any!