I couldn't get the grapples to work for me with Index controllers - I can set 1 to 3 tethered points, but when I press the jump button, the points simply disappear. Any tips?
They automatically pull you up, unless you press use on the other hand in which case they will temporarily get turned off (and turn blue). The tethers are also not super strong so shoot tethers as far away as you can. Jumping will remove all tethers to enable flinging yourself. Tethers will also disconnect when moving too far away from where they are attached. Sadly sometimes the PlayerController likes to keep you stuck to the floor and it helps moving around or off the platform. Hope this helps. (I should really make a better tutorial)
Thanks for the tips! I was able to get further with your tips, and had some fun - I think starting is still the hardest part, which may lead to people giving up before getting to the fun part of swinging around. A few suggestions:
- The instructions look to me like we're supposed to jump at instruction 3, that's one of the things that got me going down the wrong path early.
- I had to fire all 3 tethers to get off the ground. If that's expected, perhaps updating the instructional graphic to have 3 lines would help. A short video showing the right way to get started might be a great help to users.
- I was unsure why I respawned the first time. I assume it's because I touched the mountain - it would be great for the instructions to mention this if it's the case.
Here's a video of me blundering my way up onto the course, maybe it will help explain the difficulty I had.