Interesting concept. I found the lack of being able to set the mouse sensitivity to hinder my ability to play the game. It was just too sensitive for me and resulted in the game just not being playable. It something that can be easily added via a pause menu.
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In the pause menu from pressing p (which was in the instructions in the game page) I included a sensitivity slider where it can be adjusted. I hope you adjust your rating and play this game again, as it seems you did not take the time to read the instructions and were quick to write a negative review. The sensitivity seemed to be too high on smaller screens and too low on bigger screens, so I knew a sensitivity slider was something that could easily be added via a pause menu, which I did. I hope you see this message, as this review could hinder the rating of my game due to you overlooking something, and I just kindly ask that you would take a second try at this game, adjust the sensitivity via the pause menu pressing p, and give the game a true honest rating that it deserves. I appreciate it!!