I dig the aesthetic and music of this game. but I feel most aspect of the game need improvements. like how your gun shoots a bit off the crosshair ( maybe this is a bug? I'm on linux). The player hitbox feels like it could be a little smaller. after I killed the first gunslinger the game just stayed on that screen for probably a whole minute before moving on the the second level. the second level it's sometimes hard to see the enemies because of the dark circle in the middle. I also wish the death animation wasn't so long when you die from a bullet as when it happens you just want to get back in quickly. which brings me to checkpoints. maybe have some every screen? it's sometimes frustrating when you die have to go back from the beginning. checkpoints are maybe not the solution however and improving other aspects of the game might not make them required.
Still despite all this, I enjoyed this quirky little game thanks to it's unique feel.